Where I am at now in Indiana may not be heaven but its still better than a state that ranks 47th in just about everything like Kentucky. Kentucky ranks 47th in personal income, 47th in median income, 47th in household income, 47th in educational attainment, 43rd in quality of its colleges, 41st in K to 12 grade education, worst ran state by Governing magazine, 3rd worst public pension system etc. Furthermore, it’s worst for retirees out of any state, worst in overall health outcomes, most depressed state, etc.
That’s not counting the butthole that consists of Louisville/Loo A Vull/Lou Billy/Loo A Bull and whatever they call that stinking shithole on the Ohio River. I’ve been to most of the cities in the eastern 2/3 of the country and Louisville aka Loubilly is for the most a total wretched place. Not only that but the educational level and lack of common sense is annoying, people don’t have basic social graces, don’t understand common courtesy, don’t understand how to drive by any means and are generally loutish, uneducated, white trashy along with a so called cultural superiority bar none.
Despite all this genteel superiority that covers the ugliness like a salve covering a severe case of gangrene it isn’t really anything to write home about. The schools are horrendous and most of the people act as if they’ve never brought a book home during school much less actually read anything. Education is lacking to the point that high school graduates and those of several generations out of school lack basic knowledge of how the world works. The economy in Louisville is built around low wage box flipping jobs packing and picking and scratching one’s rear end. With the exception of a couple of automotive plants and some affiliated industries making parts and accessories and other equipment for cars and trucks, etc there isn’t much of a base any longer.
Louisville ranks high in having a serious douchey feel to the city from having tons of grown men with hipster clothes working at jobs that are beneath them but then disdaining the education to do better. Its like if you are a professional and want to do something with your career, in Louisville they will want you to take a menial shit scraping job when you’ve had better paying employment with more skills and responsibilities. Especially after you’ve had 15 or 20 years in the workforce that they’re too stupid in Louisville to realize that you’re too knowledgeable and skilled to be scraping shit off someones shoe or working at some low wage, low skill occupation. No thank you. Or better yet, feel free to stick your no skill, no talent, monkey feces throwing job up your ass with a steel beam attached to it hold a flashlight/spotlight.
Louisville culture revolves around 3 things those being U of L basketball or Kentucky basketball along with getting piss wasted drunk on the swill that they call bourbon and think its the end all be all of the world. The third thing is a hypocritical brand of religion where a lot of the church congregants sit on their hands and talk on Sunday about being a better person then for the rest of the week stabbing their fellow man in the rear end. All the while preaching all of their virtues that none of them practice themselves. Add in a healthy dose of narcissism along with lack of common sense and education and it shows you that Kentucky is a place mostly of self aggrandizing morons with barely the 80 IQ that most of the state residents have. Meanwhile they all think they are corporate CEO material even though they don’t have the education, skills, knowledge or anything else to run a real company in most cases.
That is why the job climate is shitty in Louisville as well because the schools largely work on social promotion where you have 10th to 12th graders at a clip of 40 percent proficient at doing mathematics and 36 percent proficient or excelling at science. Even in English composition, reading, writing and vocabulary they only average about 52 percent being proficient at 12th grade English. Which is why they have to take remedial classes at one of the 43rd state ranking colleges that they have in Kentucky. In fact, institutions like U of L which isn’t even a top 100 US university despite having the largest financial endowments in the country. In fact, U of L ranks about 170th out the country and the hick infested U of K in Lexington is not much better about 130th.
Jefferson County is like three mentally ill relatives all shouting at each other when you consider parts of Louisville. You have the West End which is primarily minority majority along with the South End which is mostly bubba types that barely graduated high school or flunked out and got their GED. Then you have the East End which is mostly a bunch of overpaid and overcompensated people with decent education but practically know much of nothing outside of their own section of the city. The people from the East look down on the West and South and the rest of Kentucky even though they are city cousins with the rest of the Appalachian and downstate folks.
The only real differences between Louisville and say the rest of the state involves being one of two very large cities in Kentucky. The rest of it is just about the same the only other differences is that people generally have nice houses and nicer vehicles. Even though most of them behave like Bubba and Bubbette in suits and dresses at their employment. Its like someone took a Bubba clone from the backwoods and hills of Eastern Kentucky and West Virginia and put them in a suit and tie and told them to act intelligent but they don’t have the foundational base to be moderately intelligent.
Another thing about Louisville/LouBilly is that it is one of the most politically corrupt places around with mismanaged local government, poor level of services for the taxes you do pay and also running pretty much on broke both with the Metro Sewer District being in the hole 4 billion dollars and needing billions more to fix the floodgates, walls and pumps that keeps the city from being another New Orleans during floods. Then to have a chicken bucket arena that costs 1 billion dollars plus in principal and interest from 2010 to 2054 when it will finally be paid off and not have a professional team there but only women’s and men's basketball and a few concerts here and there is insane.
The local business community is a joke including the things like Greater Louisville Inc, Young Professionals of Louisville YPAL and pretty much most other civic organizations. Their idea of economic progress is creating all kinds of 10 dollar an hour jobs for people with bachelor’s degrees and other skills as well as furthering their education with Master’s or Doctorate’s. Half the people in the Louisville business community have problems even spelling basic words and when I lived there they couldn’t spell words that were on my resume and trying to correct my spelling even after I proofread and spell checked it a couple of times.
That’s the type of idiots that exist in Louisville which is why generations of people have left Louisville especially those with any level of talent and didn’t buy into the whole white trash mystique of the area.
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