Monday, October 30, 2017

Greg Fischer and Idiocy Kentucky Style

This seems to be Greg Fischer in action on most days running around with his underwear on his head. What I can't quite determine is whether Greg Fischer has his head firmly planted on most days where his ass is or he just runs around blindly trying to figure out how to be a mayor. Instead he seems to spend most days being politically correct and saying all the right things to make sure not to piss off his constituencies of Democratic supporters especially those in the South End of Louisville and the West End.

All the while his city is falling apart from massive infrastructure problems including aging infrastructure such as broken water mains, pipes that are corroded, and a road system that is collapsing under the weight of trucks and cars and all those semis moving things to the Worldport and other facilities in the Louisville area.

Yet, this imbecile of the king of imbeciles in the largest city in Kentucky can barely run a city despite being one of the highest taxed cities in the whole country. With a city that takes all kinds of taxes from the paychecks of the local residents and has a 850 million DOLLAR budget taken from the taxes of the 750,000 residents of course of whom maybe half them actually have a job or do something economically productive like running a business or making a buck doing something.

At a time when the nation is up to its eyeballs and in debt to the tune of 20 trillion US dollars, he spends every day chiming about how everything is puppies and rainbows and the economy is booming along with all kinds of new development and new city projects.

All the while the taxpaying public in Kentucky and Louisville contiues to get fleeced to death by the corrupt political machine foisted upon them by both political parties and all of the corrupt good old boy self serving politicians that think they are working on serving the increasingly dumb public while padding their retirement and pension programs to the max so they can retire in near luxury. While the ordinary schmuck might get a 1200 dollar Social Security check when they get ready to go to pasture or end up kicking the bucket.

Kentucky, just for you not in the know or those that choose to be willfully and pridefully ignorant is not only one of the poorest state in the United States of America ranking 47th in income but it is also a state that is in hock due to pension obligations of 60 billion. All the while the good old boy system of Democrats, Republicants and those who swing both ways have turn what could be a potentially quality state full of resources and scenic areas into an economic and educational basketcase full of poverty, want, and lack of economic opportunity.

Why the Kentucky voters and citizens put up this sort of state of affairs is something that I've never been able to comprehend despite my spending 5 years and longer traipsing across that state in business, economic opportunity, and trying to understand Kentucky culture. Which is something that I find laughably incomprehensible and I have no problem comprehending difficult subjects such as science, religion, ethics, historical events, politics, etc.

Why the people of Kentucky continue to put up with such nonsense and bullshit from not only their politicians but the clergy and religious leaders is beyond me especially when its brought them nothing but poverty, want, hunger, crime, lack of amenities and things that make like good. Or as someone once said to me the term of why we can't have nice things. Is it because for generations Kentuckians have totally disdained education, progress, and science but rather listen to the rantings and chirpings of crickets in the pulpits and the political commentators that hold such sway. Along the myriad of tribalist legislators in places such as their counties as well as the goons holding sway in Frankfort. Not to mention the two pathetic excuses of Senators from Kentucky both Republicans and both anti progress. Yet wishing to move their commonwealth back to the Fifties that is the 1850s before the Civil. War.

Do Kentuckians want to remain the scorn of the nation? A laughingstock on the Ohio River or in other places the Mississippi, Kentucky River, and Cumberland. All the while their state remains at the bottom of the United States ranking just above Mississippi, Arkansas and West Virginia in not only income and economics but also ranking 47th in education at the collegiate level. A state that ranks 47th in percentage of residents with college level skills and job skills isn't going to be a economically productive state.

All the while Kentucky stays at the bottom of state education rankings even at the primary and secondary levels of K to 12 education ranking in the low 40s amongst the states. Just above the usual suspects of Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, West Virginia and by God Mississippi.

This isn't to say that all Kentucky resdients are idiots but it sure seems that Kentucky has a large percentage of idiots and morons than just about anywhere that I've traveled and I've been to large swaths of the country as well as talked to people from most states. There are and happen to be idiots just about everywhere that you can easily find but in Kentucky it seems that they are raised to places of prominence.

That being said, why is it that Louisville continues to vote in morons as leaders including mouth breathers like Greg Fishcer? Why is it that a city that could be the crown jewel of its state continue to allow it to be wrecked economically, fiscally and socially by people who act as if they are from Appalachia just in business suits and ties. You can put Bubba in a suit and tie and dress him up all nice and proper and make him look like a CEO or Harvard Graduate, but that doesn't make him one nor does it make him intelligent. Because eventually he will be found out as being a lesser character and of lesser intelligence than one that should be in that position. That's pretty much what goes for state and local politics in Kentucky that intelligent and well thought leaders are not in the system but instead the lowest common denominator are the ones running the system. Same goes for a lot of Louisville based businesses, etc. You can put Bubba in a suit, but all he has to do is open his mouth and you'll automatically know that he's still Bubba.

Kentucky Idiots

Louisville and Cover Ups: Kentucky Style

With all of the national angst about the issues that police are having in policing their communities one would think that all officers would heed such issues very carefully and show discretion towards law enforcement issues and not participate in scandalous behavior.

However, in Louisville, Kentucky the police of the Louisville Metro Police Department have a program called the Explorers where local youth explore a career in police work including the various jobs and tasks that a law enforcment officer must do in his daily duties.

Which all seems fine and good and should be encouraged but with one major problem.

Some of the officers in Louisville have been involved in a sexual abuse scandal and cover up with the Louisville Metro Police Department Explorer program. Not only the criminal activity of said officers who were involved in sexual abuse of minors aged 14 to 19 incuding a young woman who was coerced and forced into having sexual activity with an officer.

Meanwhile the vile scum and villany that occurs in the Louisvile Metro Police Department is not a new occurred as there have been many officers over the years who have been been terminated, fired, disciplined, and even prosecuted for such criminal behavior.

This all goes back to the corruption and dishonesty of the last two or three mayors of Louisville, Kentucky reaching back to the 1980s and 1990s when this type of criminal corrupt behavior has been tolerated by the local officials. Maybe not to the extent of such blatant violation of minors but a system of corrupt local officials who cover up said abuses and political favors.

Or as one local writer in Louisville, Kentucky called it and correctly so, a pay for play system. In that sense where local businesses and local developers in the community ended up paying the local government with favors and other inducements to allow their businesses and companies to develop land and projects, etc. Just as long as those developers and businessmen paid the proper government officials and those in the political sphere their dues and made sure that it was done off the books and therefore outside of public scrutiny.

This sort of corrupt behavior is nothing new to Kentucky going back for generations even back in the late 1800s when corrupt business interests and Confederates ran the Kentucky State Government after the Civil War. It has continued in places like Louisville in the way of machine politics and corrupt government practices. All the while Louisville, KY is the 4th highest taxed city in the United States of America. Amazing isn't it that Louisville is the 4th highest taxed city in the whole country. Right up there with cities like Chicago, New York, Boston, San Francisco, and others. But near the top of the food chain in a state that is known for its extensive poverty and poor educational system.

Meanwhile the LMPD and its current and previous chiefs try to cover up their misdeeds, malfeasance, and known corruption and no one does anything about it. All the while Mayor Greg Fischer continues to cover up for the same bunch of crooks and trying to talk all the same time about Transparency.

Meanwhile, in Louisville, they could care less about transparent governmental behavior and actually representing the citizens and taxpayers instead continuing their notable governmental corruption. If its not the shenanigans that occur regularly at the University of Louisville in both the university and the athletic department, its in city and or state government in Kentucky.

These occurences are not one time missteps but a pattern of systematic corruption and government malfeasance. All the while the Mayor of Louisville shouts about being a compassionate city and acting in governmental matters with transparency and uprightness.

Which is nothing more than a sordid joke to talk about such behavior but to have a police department, city works, and other governmental bodies such as city government offices proceed with corrupt practices and then act hypocritically by saying you are transparent. Laughable at best but criminal at the worst which is something that Kentucky should be number one in and that's government corruption on a scale that would rank right up there with Chicago, New York and other model big cities where public corruption scandals are daily news. In the case of Chicago with Rahm Emanuel and previously Richard Daley along with the convictions of several Illinois governors like Rod Blagojevich and George Ryan as well as the conviction of Dennis Hastert, former speaker of the US House of Representatives.

Wonder when the Louisville right to know media is going to actually start spilling the beans on the city of Louisville and its right to screw its citizens Kentucky style. All the while the Kentucky country boys and provincials don't even realize how much they are being screwed to death by the system. A system that has spent generations keeping Kentucky a backward cesspool of corruption and crime instead of capitalizing on the natural resources, scenic beauty, and possibilities.

All in a city such as Louisville which laughingly calls itself "Possibility City" despite being economically impoverished in many areas of the city and having a crime rate multiple times that of its state and being a problematic area considered a no-go area even for many locals in Indiana and Kentucky that won't go to Louisville unless they absolutely have to go do Louisville. A compassionate city as called by Mayor Greg Fischer all the while having a huge homeless population of thousands despite being the largest city in the commonwealth. Supposedly an economic beacon and engine yet having a collapsing and falling apart infrastructure that looks like it should be such as in a third world nation.

A city that is economically unsound and has to rely on government assitance and big programs to feed so many of its citizens and even to house a large percentage of these people. While the muckety mucks spend all kinds of time during March, April and early May cleaning up the city for its signature horse race. While the rest of the city by June and July looks like someone dumped the trash on the streets and emptied out their trash cans and left their garbage on city streets.

A city that has a budget nearly 1 billion dollars (903 million in 2016) and (849 billion for 2018) yet cannot properly fix its streets and infrastructure properly. Instead having to spend several million dollars from the city fund for the maintenance of the Yum Center (which was suppsed be paid by tax increment financing by the local downtown tax district). Instead the city of Louisville is raiding the general fund that should be going to maintain the streets and infrastructre which is horrid despite being the 4th highest taxed city in the United States.

Something is wrong here when you have a city with the 4th highest taxes yet cannot fix your infrastructure, roadways, and byways. Instead paying out money to settle all of the lawsuits that have been incurred by the Louisvlle Metropolitan Police Department as well as the Louisville Metro Government over the years.

All the while talking about being a "Possibility City" and a "Compassionate City" while the local law enforcement violates young people and violates the law in so many ways its plain astounding.

But remember, its Kentucky and its very provincial and thinking small is why Kentucky still ranks in the bottom 5 states in just about every category and has for decades.

Kentucky Idiots

The Corrupt Town of Bardstown, Kentucky

One of the purposes of this blog is to show no mercy on sacred cows and to call out things in Kentucky like I see them. I really don't get bothered with whose toes get stepped on and who gets upset over my posts. Some of my posts are based on personal opinions and observations and others are based on hard cold facts and truths that Kentuckians at large don't like to hear about. 

All because it shows their state in a bad light when it could be potentially so much more especially with the natural beauty and climate that would make it so much more.....if it really had a hard working and decent population of people with real values such as hard work, order, cleanliness and those qualities that make for a orderly and decent society. 

Instead, Kentucky has spent generations being the what I would call white trash state. Or if you like a white trash commonwealth in the United States. Its not just Kentucky that has issues with basic law, order, economics but it sure seems that Kentucky likes to bring up just about the bottom of every category at least being one of the worst five states and having been such for generations back at least to the 1930s if not much before. 

One example is that Kentucky has ranked 44th or worse in personal income since 1939, a time span of 78 years which is a lifetime to most people. The same could be said of Kentucky and its rankings versus other neighboring states which in almost every category are atrocious at best. 

Kentucky for years has been one of the worst states for elder abuse, animal abuse, and child abuse. Add in the lowly rankings it regularly receives in education, socioeconomic development, infrastructure, governance, etc. 

A microcosm of such corruption and incompetence would be the town of Bardstown, Kentucky which calls itself a city but is in reality more like a small town. 

Bardstown for those not in the local community has been wracked with public corruption in its police force and city government for many years now and despite attempts to ferret out such corruption, it has come to naught. 

Several people in that community have turned up mysteriously dead with no repercussions to those who killed them and those in the know that probably know who committed the crimes against Jason Ellis, a police officer that was killed in 2013 in an ambush just a few short miles from Bardstown as he was heading home from his nightly shift at about midnight or thereabouts. 

Despite the efforts of the Kentucky State Police, no one has ever been found or convicted for the ambush and murder of Jason Ellis and his family deserves so much better. One of many theories out there is that he had upset someone that was involved in drug dealing and therefore was ambushed on the way home one night by some of the local drug dealers and good old boys in the community. 

With various other murders including a school teacher and daughter that was killed mysteriously and the death of Crystal Rogers and her father in 2015/2016, one has to ask the question what kind of vile scum and lowlifes would cover up such heinous crimes and not allow the justice to see the light of day in the local court system and local police. All the while their families have been victimized by their deaths and the murder charges that have never came to fruition to put their murderers behind bars. 

My theory is that the reason that such crimes have not been prosecuted appropriately ties into Kentucky and the corrupt legal and justice system in that state and in the locality of Bardstown. All the while the Kentucky State police and other higher up food chain police agencies have even visited Bardstown and Nelson County and found nothing that would tell them of whom committed these heinous crimes. 

Would it happen to be that the Bardstown Police Department and the Nelson County, KY Sheriffs Department would be be assisting and aiding and abetting known murderers and criminals. All because of some vendetta because public servants know too much about the corruption and legal malfeasance that occurs in Bardstown as well as other neighboring communities. 

All the while these criminals in government assist in drugs being planted in various communities and known officers have spent years harboring drug fugitives because its extra revenue for the corrupt court and legal system in said communities. 

Meanwhile, those murdered by the thugs and their accomplices are getting away with said crimes and drugs are being a ravage on local commnities such as Bardstown. 

Though with all of the talk about the War on Drugs instituted by President Richard Nixon in the early 1970s, the War On Drugs has been a largely failing enterprise as drugs have wracked small communities such as Bardstown and other areas of Kentucky, etc. Because the truth is that the government doesn't want to end the drug problems or at least minimize the damage from such. It helps out the court systems, pays for judges and police services, etc. 

All the while people end up getting murdered in Kentucky towns such as Bardstown and nothing is ever done by the local officials and local mayors that are elected by the people of said communities. 

Justice will not be done by these people because they have a vested interest in keeping the drug trade flowing in places like Bardstown because they know that if it was shut off they would lose their cash cow. All the while factories and businesses wither on the vine and America becomes a narco state such as one would see in South America such as Peru, Colombia and other nations where the drug trade takes the place of honest businesses and economic progress. 

Bardstown officials are hiding something very serious especially with all of the corruption scandals that have plagued that community for the past several years but even going back decades when someone was killed by the police with no real reason other than just satisfying an extrajudicial vendetta where the person was shot to death by the police after having some run-ins with the local law enforcement. 

With all of the resignations of local police in Bardstown, Kentucky including a prominent retirement one has to wonder who is hiding what and who is covering up for the corrupt system. Now that local officials know and have known for years about said corruption what are they doing about it and what are they planning to bring those involved in these grisly murders to justice. 

The people and families of such murders and crimes against their person deserve so much better. Not a corrupt country town good old boy government that is covering up these crimes. Not a bunch of meaningless words from a bunch of small town cops and officials about how they actually cared about Mr. Ellis and all of the other victims of crimes against them because some of those people just knew too much about someone or something. 

The truth will come out someday either in this life or eternity no matter how much those involved want to cover up the criminality and the corrupt system that allows these crimes to occur. Hope for their sake they have some fire retardant pants on for the afterlife. 

Kentucky Idiots

Kentucky Sucks......A Few Personal Anecdotes

Kentucky Idiots
Re: This State Sucks Monkey Balls (Hilarious and True) (Truth)

I totally sympathize with the intelligent people that live in Kentucky and either can't get out because their finances or job situation won't let them. Even the people there who have family and know what a stinking shithole it truly is. I wrote this a while back and got the usual pissed off comments from a couple of small minded backwoods fucks who either weren't smart enough to know what I was talking about or too stupid to have been anywhere else and have a clue about the outside world. The next paragraph is where my comment while back comes in.

Some of the posters on here hit it directly on the head when it comes to Kentucky. What a ass backward state that regularly finishes in the bottom 5 or 10 in every category out of all 50 states. In fact, Kentucky recently ranked 1st in child abuse cases, 1st in elderly abuse cases, 1st in animal abuse cases, 47th in income, 47th in percentage of population with some college or even graduates, etc. Consistently its one of the worst states in the whole Union in health outcomes, cancer deaths, obesity, and many other categories. I could probably write a whole white paper on those issues.

But instead I'll give you a few personal anecdotes regarding my 4 year stint of living in Kentucky as a full time resident. Now I've lived in Northern Indiana, Central Indiana, Southern Indiana, Central Ohio, SW Ohio, and the Northern Kentucky and Louisville regions. Yet have been to most of the counties in Kentucky as part of my job for the two years I was there. Most of the state outside of Florence/NKY and East Louisville is a joke. Its like a big farm with mentally unstable rejects along with a huge meth presence. What I term as a skidmark on the underpants of society.

Every state has its mental rejects, trash, and totally useless eaters. Kentucky has generations of them in that these same morons have been living there for generations. Even my wife (A Native Kentucky Born Individual) and her sister realize what a bunch of trash that goes on there. Their parents were born elsewhere but live in the Louisville area. Both of them were born in Northern KY. Like my sister in law said........she would love to leave KY but her child support arrangements and visitation keeps her there. Sad but true that it limits her in that area. Its interesting to hear her and the in laws talk about how bad the schools are in Kentucky and the Louisville region. If it wasn't for the Louisville East area and some areas of Northern KY the state would be as low as Mississippi.

Which I find amazing to me because one would think that Kentucky would focus on education and literacy instead of producing generations of morons and inbreeds that incapable of doing anything but collect government benefits over generations. Kentucky has long been one of the states that have a high level of welfare dependency even going back to when the economy was good. Interestingly, there seems to be a racket that goes on in Kentucky that the state readily provides crazy check benefits and it was mentioned in a book regarding people in Kentucky receiving such benefits. That prior to the establishment of the Social Security Disability that Kentucky was giving out checks openly to incompetents for generations. personal experience that many people from Kentucky have problems with basic civility and basic common sense. Those stereotypes that many hold against native Kentuckians are very true. I don't consider them stereotypes because I've seen enough crazy and nonsense behavior over the years. When I commented on this to my wife.........she said its because people are crazy in Kentucky. I think she happens to be right in many cases. Mental illness always seems to be very high in Kentucky as well. When I worked in Louisville years ago........there about half of the women where I worked that were on all kinds of nut pills, anti depressants, etc. Bad drivers, uneducated, nasty, and plain uncouth.

Always noticed something else.......someone in Kentucky always wanted to pick a fight or think they was some sort of badass. I lived in Gary, IN growing up...........those people were the real badasses not a bunch of Kentucky clowns. Same goes for inner city Indianapolis and Cincy.

One poster talks about Owensboro. That's a joke of a town if there ever was one. One little shitty excuse for a shopping mall in a city of 50,000 hayseeds. A commercial district that fits in a few blocks of any other city the same size.

I know I'm going to get ripped for my comments but Kentucky is a backwards hole. My wife was so glad to leave Kentucky a few years ago. When I mentioned that we should move back......she said not only NO but HELL NO. The only time she goes back is to visit her sister and mom and dad. My comment to her that Indiana was going to become like Kentucky was like "I hope that doesn't happen"

Kentucky has been a jackass colony for decades if not since the Civil War. From what I have read, after the Civil War, Kentucky state government was overtaken by a bunch of backwards neo-confederates and their sympathizers so nothing really changed despite the war being won by the north. Kind of sounds like most other Southern states that are still backwards holes in the ground in the bottom 10 of about every category. Look it up........the facts and figures are out there how Southern states rank in education, incomes, jobs, health, etc. Bottom feeders almost all of them.

Why the few good people in Kentucky put up with it is beyond me...........maybe they like the poverty and stupidity that exists en masse in their state. Its not just urban areas with the ghetto dwellers like one finds in the North.........but its also in the rural areas in Kentucky. In fact, actually some parts of these cities resemble something decent, its just that the rest of the area is a poop stain.

Kentucky Idiots

Louisville: Full On Stupid

Kentucky Idiots
This is a response to some of the stupidity that I regularly get fed by people from Kentucky who obviously lack the intelligence to make reasoned and rational commentary about social issues, the economy and various other issues. 

Louisville Boys

It's amusing to watch all of you slack jawed welfare whiners get on and start sending me comments in the middle of the day from your minimum wage jobs that you can barely keep because you're always doing something stupid. The intelligence that comes from your witty and sophmoric comments is plain out astounding from this northerners point of view.

Thank God I'm not from the Ohio River Valley or anywhere south of there. They should put a sign up once you get to the Ohio River that "You are now entering the land of stupidity, ignorance, and welfare trash"

The reason why so many people from Indiana work in Kentucky is plain simple. They don't strive in life to get a welfare check or sit in their mom's basement until she drops dead and gives them the house. They're more interested in building their own future and paying their way instead of getting their crazy check from the Kentucky state government which hands them out like Skittles.

Secondly, if you didn't give a damn about my opinion you wouldn't have made some stupid comment in reference to what I said and pissed your panties in the process. Never seen so many thin skinned little bitches than when I lived in Louisville. Thin skinned but too stupid to keep their mouth shut and act like they had one bit of intelligence. If you don't give a damn, then why bother to respond.

One of the other luminaries on CL responded with the usual, why don't you move away. Already did about 3 years ago. That's the typical response or the other moron that made a comment about me being fired. Didn't happen either. I just had enough good sense ingrained in me by family and education to leave a crappy hole in the ground state and city when I had the chance.

By the way, the news has just reported that the FFA conference is leaving your dung infested Third World city called Louisville and moving back up to the northern states. Moving back to Indianapolis with a long term deal. Guess that your city isn't all that attractive for hosting events after all. Since they also in their press release mentioned that a lack of downtown amenities and hotel rooms were the reason for moving back north. So much for that Southern hospitality right boys.

Not to mention having a tourist from Canada killed by three of your goon citizens that reside in your dumpy, minimum wage city. All to come to your two minute horse race and then get sent home in a body bag while these cretins are still breathing. Of course, they'll get the standard Kentucky sentence of maybe 20 years in the slammer for killing the guy. While in states like Indiana they would automatically get 45 to 65 years. That's how trash should be dealt with and that's probably too lenient considering they took a life and should have theirs taken.

While I write this another of the Kentucky uneducated imbeciles writes me and makes very little sense. Of course, with the usual run on sentences, misspelled words, and inability to stick to a point. By the way Venita Ann, you might have made a couple of points but you're still a dumbass.

When will you low mentality, slack jawed, braying jackasses from Kentucky actually get with it and make some intelligent and well thought out points. Not the usual fodder of did you get fired or did your mommy help you pack the U Haul.

When I left Kentucky, I needed a semi trailer to move my stuff not just a U Haul. It took the better part of a day to load up and move everything but that was the best decision I ever made and I was smart enough to do it. The fact that many of you wallow in your third world stupidity, ignorance and blindness is what makes Kentucky such a shitty place to live. Its well known by now that Kentucky ranks in the bottom five states in almost every category including personal income, education, child abuse, animal abuse, elder abuse, and so many other categories. Its been that way for generations especially in education and income and one would think that you would actually start by setting the bar higher.

By the way, I'm sure that half of you witty clowns were doing your CL posting on company time at 12:06 pm not to mention 2:25 pm and various others. Too bad your bosses don't know what is going on and you get fired for it. That or maybe in your cases you're actually bilking the welfare system or living in your mom's basement or that broken down trailer you call home. After some of the trash I saw in Kentucky over the years including cars so broken down without proper maintainance and cleanliness nothing surprises me. Including one luminary that had a car full of junk piled in it but no windows in the wagon. Probably spent the money on beer, cigarettes, weed, and whatever else while high tailing it off to the Preston Hwy Wally World in Hillview.

By the way, I'm fully employed with a good family and people who have values and midwestern common sense. Thank God for that and not to be white trash idiots who are dumber than a box of rocks. Your idiocy is proven every day and in most of your comments.

Just read Louisville CL and you can tell that a whole lot of morons went to the Jefferson County Public Schools and the other school systems like Oldham, Shelby, Bullitt, and others.

Kentucky Idiots

Third World Louisville

Kentucky Idiots
By the way suckers. Your esteemed ex mayor left you a bill for an arena that you currently can't pay for except to steal more money from the city treasury. 15 million in yearly interest capped with a 17 million dollar yearly principal payment starting in 2020. That's 32 million a year and your tax increment financing system is only bringing in a few million a year versus the 12 to 15 million it was projected to. While they already blew through 4 million in a maintenance fund and had to ask for a weflare check of another 6.5 million this year. Glad you inbred fools are going to pay for it. Oh but wait, you're going to get an NBA team. No other teams are pursuing moving at this time despite what your backwoods mongrelized mayor has to say. Whose spouse looks like his sister. Must be a Louisville cultural trait to be inbred.

Let's speak some more truth to power about Loserville. Corrupt cops galore, one of the highest crime inner city areas around, etc. The only reason your stats look good is because the city annexed another 500,000 in population with merger. Your streets are falling apart. Most of the South End from Bardstown Road all the way to the West End and down to Valley Station looks like a waste dump. Trash all over the place, run down slum neighborhoods, nasty apartment blocks, people that act like goons and other deadbeat trash. By the way, I lived in your city better know as hades for 4 years. It was like having color return to our lives when we moved out of that nasty city. You really have nothing to offer a family. No pro sports, a college town, no real museums, no culture, no real recreation unless you want to find rubbers on playgrounds or in parks. A thug theme park, nothing really.

Funny that the Louisville Billy Bobs now censor out the term Bullitt as in Bullitt County. Maybe because its a bad word. You know that garbage infested toilet that is about 20 miles south of Loserville on I 65 that is on the Salt River. Hilarious Louisville!! Thanks for making my day. Just had to rant and slap someone around from Kentucky. A true trash infested and lowlife paradise. I know if I was from Kentucky or Loserville, I would be ashamed to be from someplace that ought to be used as a national landfill. I guess in a way it already is because of the white trash and ghetto types that live there. You should be so proud. 47th among the states in per capita income, 47th in college graduates as a percentage of population, number one in child abuse, number one in elder abuse, last in just about everything else. But that's Kentucky and its that inbred.

Why I can't stand Louisville you might ask? Try a crummy economy, crappy employers like Lynns (now closed) all over the city, an incompetent city government, lousy roads, drivers who can't observe basic rules of the road, an iliterate and backwoods culture, an educational system that is the worst I've ever seen. Louisville is like a toilet bowl, its always full of itself and thinks there's nowhere out there better. People from Louisville need to take a reality check and realize their city isn't even in top 50 of anything. Not even among comparable cities. The educational system produces generations of hillbillies who can barely speak or put together any sentence of reasonable quality. Same goes for half of the people in the workforce. The funniest thing is that you're so sure of yourselves and your reliance on sports that the rest of your state is like a Third World country and includes Louisville

What's going to be funny is that in a few years your productive businesses will figure out how to leave town instead of paying your outrageous taxes to feed generations of welfare trash that live in Louisville. They'll figure out that they can make more money elsewhere whether that would be in Indiana or maybe even Tennessee. Frankly moving away from the toilet bowl called Louisville was the best thing my family and I could have done. We could have probably went to TN but we prefer northern climates. But please do the good people of Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Missouri, etc a favor and keep your low life butts in Kentucky. We don't want your Third world mentality in our states. People in all those states have a better standard of living and education systems than Kentucky. I've lived in several states and worst place I ever lived was in Louisville, bar none. A joke of a metro area

Its funny that a bunch of the Louisville fools are getting all over Dave. The happiest day of my life was when I saw Louisville, Spitucky in the rearview mirror of the UHaul that I moved our stuff to Indiana. But please Louisville residents, don't move over here because native Hoosier don't want your uneducated trash polluting our state. Same for a lot of people from Louisville, stay on your side of the river and clean up the trailer park that you call Louisville Metro. You may not all live in trailers but the trailer trash mentality is certainly alive and well in Louisville. When I moved to your state in 2007, I held no preconceived notions or opinions about your state. When I left, I knew living in Louisville was a big mistake. Even my wife who grew up in Louisville was glad to leave. Your city is a joke and nothing but a cesspool.

Kentucky Idiots

Kentucky Education

Kentucky Idiots

Kentucky Idiots

Kentucky Memes

Kentucky Idiots

Kentucky Idiots
Kentucky Idiots

Screw Louisville

Kentucky Idiots
You've got to be freaking kidding me. Louisville.................Louisville? Seriously, who in the hell wants to move to Louisville or even Indiana across the river. Have you ever lived there? I have and I would much rather live in Central Indiana or points a little to the north or maybe down around Bloomington, Columbus, Seymour than anywhere down around Louisville. Louisville sucks!

Hell, the Amazon down in Jeffersonville, IN (Louisville Metro) pays about 3 dollars an hour less than they do in Indianapolis. Same goes for about any other job as well unless you're a highly trained specialist or a professional. Screw Louisville.

Plus if you live in Kentucky you pay higher taxes than what you do in Indianapolis or anywhere in Indiana for that matter. You even pay taxes in Kentucky if you live in Indiana and work in Kentucky. They take it out of your pocket in a commuter tax and its very difficult to get your money back. I lived in Indiana for years before I got married, got a job in, and lived in Kentucky. Made about 40k a year on my job at the time. Then turned around and figured out that by living in Louisville (Jefferson County, KY) I would be paying an extra 1200 dollars in local and state income taxes by living in Kentucky. Screw that because Louisville is just as bad or worse than inner city Indianapolis when it comes to crime. Especially anywhere on the western 60 percent of the county. Its a big running rathole with crime everywhere, shitty jobs, and lousy schools. Why in the hell would I want to live there. I lived in the better part and another thing was that my kid would have had to go to school ten to fifteen miles from where we lived just for goddamn elementary school.

All because a bunch of ultra liberal social engineering Marxists believed that integrating the schools and kids was the thing to do no matter what kind of neighborhood you lived in. You could live in a 98 percent white area and then have your kids bussed across county to a 90 percent black school. Or vice versa. Its crazy as hell.

By moving back to Indiana, getting a job a little bit above in pay range than my previous, I made a profit from leaving Kentucky. That extra couple thousand dollars in money instead of being taxed to death helps too.

Louisville, Kentucky has the 4th highest taxes of any city in the nation, higher than anywhere except for three other urban liberal enclaves. No thank you. If I stayed in KY, made 40k a year I would have been paying almost 3200 in taxes to state and local government. In Indiana, its more like 2000 dollars so that's a 1200 dollar savings.

Not to mention Louisville's infrastructure is majorly flawed because of the pothole filled roads everywhere not just well traveled areas or old side streets but even in the middle of major highways. Dixie Hwy in SW Louisville is a dump, the roads are lumpy and your car or truck shakes like hell hitting every chuckhole or bumped up place in the road it sounds like a device they use to slow people down.

Here's the breakdown on taxes in KY

State Income Tax
$8000-$75,000 5.8 percent
$75,000 and over 6.0 percent

Louisville Jefferson County Taxes

1.5 percent occupational tax
.75 percent school tax
Add in whatever your property taxes are generally between 500 to 2500 dollars depending on your local town. Plus they have so many other taxing districts in Louisville. Not just Louisville Metro but also all the little cities and suburbs that used to have their own taxes and kept them in place despite becoming part of the bigger city in 2003.

You're getting screwed by living in Louisville. Don't do it.

Kentucky Idiots
Kentucky Idiots

Reply To Another Kentucky Mouth Breather

Kentucky Idiots
Lexington and Louisville Both Suck as Does Most of Kentucky (Up North)

The guy here posting, I totally sympathize with you. This comment was made to a person about a year or so ago that got all pissy in the Louisville Craigslist Rant and Raves board and had to write me some really inane and stupid comment to start with in response to my email. So I felt the need to set the hilljack straight.

This email I received is rich in content and stupidity. Things like this and the fact that I actually lived in Kentucky for almost 5 years is why I think Kentucky is rife with morons and other illiterate trash. Dumb Dougie gives further proof to why a good percentage of Kentuckians are nothing more than mental misfits incapable of intelligent thought. Here is his blathering rant to me of which I had to read very carefully to see if he had any ability to exhibit intelligent thought. It didn't take long for me to realize that he like many Kentuckians are incapable of intelligence.

This is the difference between my writing which was learned in a first rate school in the state of Indiana and the rambling incoherent writing you see below by a Third World mouth breather from Kentucky named Doug. I will comment further following his incoherent rant.

His Comment as Follows:

you want to talk shit about kentucky charging for tolls between indiana and kentucky.why is it everytime someone from kentucky goes to deams lake they check your tags at the gate?if you are from kentucky then they really charge you.that has to be the most fucked up idea i have ever heard of.while you scumbags from the shit hole state that you call indiana come over here like a goddamm rat infestation every morning to jobs that you obviously cant get in skankdiana.yeah were are the deadbeat state.thats a laugh.then turn around and go back to the outhouse you call shitdiana and spend our money over there.if scumdiana is such a great state then why do you need to come over to kentucky to get jobs?we dont want you here.i have never been prejudice against someone just because they where from another state.but you and the other asswipe from an earlier post has really turned that around.and you want to talk about kentucky being a crooked are obviously blinded to what is going on in your own back yard.whats funny is your poopdiana must be the only state thats is so fucked up and stupid that they dont even know how to run enough businesses to produce jobs for their own cockroaches that they call people.if it where not for kentucky diarrheana would not have any jobs.of course if that were the case then you would just probably turn around and fuck up ohio.until they get feed up with your shit too.the fact that you went to the trouble to post on craigslist show that you do not even have a clue to what is really going on.its no wonder pukediana is in the shape its in when there are people like you running around.

My Reply to Dougie:

It doesn't take much effort to show you're another dumbass from Kentucky. Frankly, whatever Deam Lake charges as a deterrent to keeping morons out is their business. Seeing that they want to keep their lake clean and decent for ordinary folks is their business. You obviously don't have to go to Deam Lake and I would prefer that trash such as you would stay in Kentucky and trash up your own areas. Louisville already looks like a trash heap in many places so by all means you should stay there and help it look like the Detroit of the South that it is. Furthermore, they check your tags as you say, you're an out of state visitor so Indiana can do anything it wants since you're not a resident taxpayer here. Plus you probably have something to hide so they want to check you out first.

The only reason people in Indiana head over to Louisville for those jobs is because many of the multinational corporations and businesses have operations in Louisville for strategic and financial concerns rather than because its Louisville. Duh, its called having an international airport which generally brings business to any city. They sure didn't locate there because of the stellar schools of Kentucky or the highly ranked education system that doesn't exist. Not to mention that Kentucky ranks 47th in college graduates and has for generations. So people from Indiana take the jobs that most Kentuckians are too stupid to do. You don't see most of those Indiana people hanging around that much as they go home and spend most of their money in Indiana. Next!

Obviously you're too stupid to understand that Kentucky as a state is overall broke in their financial issues. Bankrupt for the most part. They couldn't even come up with half the funding for the Ohio River Bridges Project so they had to institute tolls. Guess what? Indiana had their part of the funding correct about 10 years ago and we could have started the project. However, it was the hayseeds in Frankfort and Louisville that kept the project dormant from all the way back to 1970. The 265 route around Louisville along with 264 was on original interstate maps going all the way back to about 1965 or so and perhaps further back. Yet it took the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the 5th class city of Louisville 40 plus years to even break ground when the Hoosier State was way ahead of the curve. That's why Indianapolis had a complete loop around its city in the 1970s as did Cincinnati and most other metro areas. If you can't recall or are too stupid to realize, the Jefferson Freeway aka Gene Snyder or as the morons wrote on the signage recently Gene Synder, that freeway wasn't completed until the 80s. Its never been completed the whole way around Louisville nor does it have interstate status west of I 65 near Okolona.

If you actually knew anything, you would also realize that government isn't in the business of creating jobs so neither Indiana or Kentucky actually create the jobs. The only things they do is to have tax policies and government handouts and tax reductions that create jobs when an employer or business wants to expand. Which is interesting because the idiots in Kentucky have higher taxes than just about any of their neighboring states except for Ohio. The overall income tax burden in Kentucky at state and local level is about 8 percent. The overall income tax burden in Indiana is 5 percent and goes even for a large metro like Indianapolis which has nearly 500,000 more people than the Louisville metro region. Then again, you probably can't even afford the gas to make to Indianapolis much less Cincinnati or anyplace outside of Louisville.

That's why Indianapolis and much of the state has held its own in the latest recession by being able to create jobs where people aren't sitting on their ass waiting for government to give them a handout. Indiana might have its issues with crime in urban areas as does most states but at least the state can pay its bills. What does Kentucky have to offer? A bunch of uneducated and toothless Jethro types collecting government welfare benefits? A crappy education system that ranks in the bottom 10 of all states in education? 47th in college graduates by percentage of population? Half the society on Medicaid because they're too stupid and incapable of getting a decent job so they all end up signing up for KYNECT so they can get a free ride on medical insurance.

I know its too hard for Kentuckians overall to think very much. Its the fact that you've spent generations being ignorant and its obvious that hasn't changed over the last 20 or 30 years since they started educational reform in Kentucky. In fact, you very well seem to have gotten worse as a state since those reforms.

It reminds me of when I lived in Kentucky from 2008 to 2012. A vast percentage of people lacked the ability to even put together two sentences and make sense of what they were saying. They were too consistent in the ability to screw things up. Not only could they not write worth a damn, they couldn't even spell despite having things like dictionaries and spell check. That says a lot about Kentucky society when people working at businesses in Louisville regularly misspelled basic words and even names when doing their work. Or when someone reads your resume and tries to correct you and they are one in the wrong. What does that say about the shitty Kentucky education system?

Here's a piece of advice Dougie, do us all a favor and stay in the basement of your mom and dad's house and try not to get out and function in the normal world. Take your state sponsored welfare benefits and make sure to keep dumbing yourself down because it wouldn't take much more to get you to the level of a dysfunctional mentally retarded person with an IQ of 70. It's obvious that you're pretty much close to that level already. Interesting that another CL poster mentioned how many idiots from Kentucky he has to deal with. Very interesting indeed. By the way Dougie, please do Indiana a favor and stay out of our state. We have enough trash from Kentucky that comes up into rural Indiana even outside of the Metro area that either cause problems, get involved in criminal behavior, or end up on the welfare system because they're too stupid or lazy to work. Kind of like you Dougie, being a basement dweller. I'll take my business education and common sense any day over your welfare checks Dougie boy.

Kentucky Idiots