This seems to be Greg Fischer in action on most days running around with his underwear on his head. What I can't quite determine is whether Greg Fischer has his head firmly planted on most days where his ass is or he just runs around blindly trying to figure out how to be a mayor. Instead he seems to spend most days being politically correct and saying all the right things to make sure not to piss off his constituencies of Democratic supporters especially those in the South End of Louisville and the West End.
All the while his city is falling apart from massive infrastructure problems including aging infrastructure such as broken water mains, pipes that are corroded, and a road system that is collapsing under the weight of trucks and cars and all those semis moving things to the Worldport and other facilities in the Louisville area.
Yet, this imbecile of the king of imbeciles in the largest city in Kentucky can barely run a city despite being one of the highest taxed cities in the whole country. With a city that takes all kinds of taxes from the paychecks of the local residents and has a 850 million DOLLAR budget taken from the taxes of the 750,000 residents of course of whom maybe half them actually have a job or do something economically productive like running a business or making a buck doing something.
At a time when the nation is up to its eyeballs and in debt to the tune of 20 trillion US dollars, he spends every day chiming about how everything is puppies and rainbows and the economy is booming along with all kinds of new development and new city projects.
All the while the taxpaying public in Kentucky and Louisville contiues to get fleeced to death by the corrupt political machine foisted upon them by both political parties and all of the corrupt good old boy self serving politicians that think they are working on serving the increasingly dumb public while padding their retirement and pension programs to the max so they can retire in near luxury. While the ordinary schmuck might get a 1200 dollar Social Security check when they get ready to go to pasture or end up kicking the bucket.
Kentucky, just for you not in the know or those that choose to be willfully and pridefully ignorant is not only one of the poorest state in the United States of America ranking 47th in income but it is also a state that is in hock due to pension obligations of 60 billion. All the while the good old boy system of Democrats, Republicants and those who swing both ways have turn what could be a potentially quality state full of resources and scenic areas into an economic and educational basketcase full of poverty, want, and lack of economic opportunity.
Why the Kentucky voters and citizens put up this sort of state of affairs is something that I've never been able to comprehend despite my spending 5 years and longer traipsing across that state in business, economic opportunity, and trying to understand Kentucky culture. Which is something that I find laughably incomprehensible and I have no problem comprehending difficult subjects such as science, religion, ethics, historical events, politics, etc.
Why the people of Kentucky continue to put up with such nonsense and bullshit from not only their politicians but the clergy and religious leaders is beyond me especially when its brought them nothing but poverty, want, hunger, crime, lack of amenities and things that make like good. Or as someone once said to me the term of why we can't have nice things. Is it because for generations Kentuckians have totally disdained education, progress, and science but rather listen to the rantings and chirpings of crickets in the pulpits and the political commentators that hold such sway. Along the myriad of tribalist legislators in places such as their counties as well as the goons holding sway in Frankfort. Not to mention the two pathetic excuses of Senators from Kentucky both Republicans and both anti progress. Yet wishing to move their commonwealth back to the Fifties that is the 1850s before the Civil. War.
Do Kentuckians want to remain the scorn of the nation? A laughingstock on the Ohio River or in other places the Mississippi, Kentucky River, and Cumberland. All the while their state remains at the bottom of the United States ranking just above Mississippi, Arkansas and West Virginia in not only income and economics but also ranking 47th in education at the collegiate level. A state that ranks 47th in percentage of residents with college level skills and job skills isn't going to be a economically productive state.
All the while Kentucky stays at the bottom of state education rankings even at the primary and secondary levels of K to 12 education ranking in the low 40s amongst the states. Just above the usual suspects of Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, West Virginia and by God Mississippi.
This isn't to say that all Kentucky resdients are idiots but it sure seems that Kentucky has a large percentage of idiots and morons than just about anywhere that I've traveled and I've been to large swaths of the country as well as talked to people from most states. There are and happen to be idiots just about everywhere that you can easily find but in Kentucky it seems that they are raised to places of prominence.
That being said, why is it that Louisville continues to vote in morons as leaders including mouth breathers like Greg Fishcer? Why is it that a city that could be the crown jewel of its state continue to allow it to be wrecked economically, fiscally and socially by people who act as if they are from Appalachia just in business suits and ties. You can put Bubba in a suit and tie and dress him up all nice and proper and make him look like a CEO or Harvard Graduate, but that doesn't make him one nor does it make him intelligent. Because eventually he will be found out as being a lesser character and of lesser intelligence than one that should be in that position. That's pretty much what goes for state and local politics in Kentucky that intelligent and well thought leaders are not in the system but instead the lowest common denominator are the ones running the system. Same goes for a lot of Louisville based businesses, etc. You can put Bubba in a suit, but all he has to do is open his mouth and you'll automatically know that he's still Bubba.