Monday, January 15, 2018

Feeding the Kentucky Trolls

One thing that I've never understood about Kentuckians at large is their ability to totally be oblivious to the garbage that their state truly is. Not to mention the fact that they are some of the most easily offended people in all of America. They get more upset over the smallest comments about their state. Instead of actually working hard to improve their state and quality of life, they either have to compare it to somewhere else in the United States that happens to have worse problems than they. In addition, they also have the thinnest skin and get the most upset because their state continually ends up being one of the worst states in the United States.

This despite the facts that on the Northern boundaries of Kentucky are Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana with Missouri to the west. So they don't have any real excuses for the fact that their state government and social systems have regularly been noted as being the worst run state in the United States. Not to mention that from 1939 to 2017, they have never went above 44th place in the 50 states in per capita personal income. NOT EVEN ONCE!

The laughable thing is that they are far enough north to never have really been a major part of the Confederate States of America and all of the issues spawned in the 152 years since the Confederacy was defeated by the Union forces. Instead of emulating their northern brothers in Ohio, Indiana, Illnois and even Missouri, they continue to be a lighter version of poverty stricken states like Arkansas, Mississippi, and West Virginia.

As one might expect, I get my fair share of hate mail from Kentucky residents. Which I don't know always how to react to either with scorn and derision or pity that these people many of whom simply don't know any better. I've stated this hundreds of times over the years when I both lived in Kentucky and outside of the state and its that there are good and decent Kentuckians but the mouth breathers seem to hold sway in the state. In that I've spent time in Kentucky during the 1990s, 2000s, and it hasn't changed that much over the years. I moved to Kentucky many years ago with no preconceived notions about Kentuckians and their society at large. However, I've been less than impressed when I've seen the type of society that Kentucky has continually devolved in over the years as in it seems to be going from bad to worse.

Not just in income and poverty statistics, but in the overall well being of said citizens of Kentucky. Yet when confronted with these painful statistics and truths, they suddenly become often enraged to the point of wanting to commit violence and criminal actions. Instead of logically and rationally explaining what they are doing to rectify the situation, most Kentuckians start by cussing their critics out or some other idiotic behavior. Rather than bucking up and fixing their problems, they choose to ignore what kind of a rotten place they actually live in. Then they'll in many cases start cussing someone out or talking about Detroit and its problems all the while Kentucky has more in common with Detroit or problem areas such as the South Side of Chicago income and poverty wise along with education.

So in essence, I get all kinds of nasty comments from Kentucky trolls and have for years so by this point it simply doesn't bother me. Maybe some of them I have truly asked for with my opinion of the average Kentuckian and their way of life. It seems as if their only real source of pride is either of their basketball programs at the collegiate level being the University of Kentucky and University of Louisville. Outside of that, there isn't much else to be proud of outside of bourbon production, some cars made in Kentucky, etc.

I suppose I could be easier on people from Kentucky but their often uneducated and idiotic responses are why I like to poke them with a stick and watch them get all kinds of upset regarding their plight. In which, they don't really have much in the way of rebuttals or explanations of why their state is overall a stinking fetid hole in the ground. Am I angry about it, no not really other than I am amazed at the level of ignorance and stupidity that many of the common people in that state exhibit on the everyday basis.

Anyway, I know this will get me the usual rants and complaints from Kentuckians along with the usual, I'll kick your ass comments because they can't say or prove or refute anything that I have really pointed out. Instead of focusing on their progress and achievements, overall they end up getting defensive about someone simply pointing out that lack of sense that exists in Kentucky. Kentucky Idiots

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