Monday, January 13, 2020

Kentucky Hates The Facts

Kentucky is also one of the worst states based on statistics regarding incomes, education, poverty and healthcare. Kentucky ranks 47th in personal income and has been 44th or worse in the USA EVERY YEAR since 1939. Not to mention 47th in median and family income, 47th in educational attainment, recently ranked 50th out of the 50 states in government efficiency and management, etc.

Kentucky ranks 41st in quality of post secondary education, worst state for retirees by Wallet Hub, Forbes, etc. Senior care it also gets low marks being one of the three worst states regularly for seniors as well as being a state with a rapidly increasing crime rate due to economic inequality, joblessness and lack of educational achievement.

Let’s just say that Kentucky schools are so bad that the state wants to take over the Jefferson County Public Schools system in Louisville the largest city. The only problem is that the schools in the rest of the Commonwealth of Kentucky aren’t really faring any better when it comes to achievement.

In the recent few years, the average Kentucky 8th grader only was proficient in science at grade level at a rate of 36 percent. In mathematics among 8th graders and 10th graders the rate of proficiency at grade level was only 40 percent. Even more pathetic is the fact that Kentucky schools not only in Louisville the most well off school district for funding have horrible reading comprehension/English skills and writing rates.

In 2017, the rate for 12th graders in Kentucky being proficient at grade level 12 in English composition/grammar/comprehension was a paltry 55 percent and even worse in Jefferson County aka Louisville about 52 percent. So in essence only about slightly half of the high school graduates can even function at grade level or better. Which means that when they get into some sort of Kentucky college they usually end up having to take all kinds of remedial English classes in order to catch up to where they should be in other states that value education more.

Not to mention that Kentucky has the highest rate of drug abuse in the country and highest percentage of meth users and meth busts. Add in being #1 state for child abuse and number #1 for animal abuse laws being so lax. Not to mention very low rates for elder abuse and taking advantage of the elderly. As one insurance company employee of high stature once told me, that she was in business to make money and if you can do it to basically con older people because they are easy to talk into things. Not my type of people to hang around with and definitely people I wouldn’t do business with.

Kentucky is also horridly governed and has been for generations including huge pension debt as proportional to its size and population as a state. Roadways that are increasingly becoming dilapidated or simply not maintained especially in more rural counties away from the cities. As well as a culture of corruption that makes Kentucky one of the most corrupt states along with Illinois.

If anything that should set off warning bells when your state is one of the most corrupt states in the country based on being that close to Illinois when it comes to convictions of politicians and crooks. Look up Operation Boptrot which was one of many Kentucky criminal cabals that have been running over the past few generations. Some of the good old boy system again showing its perennial propensity for corruption.

By the way, before the Kentucky readers downvote me I lived there for the better part of a decade and traveled the entire state east to west and frankly there are better and more productive areas of the country in which to live and work and play. Don’t fall for the so called hospitality and charm because much of it is fakery anyway and you’ll understand when YOU as an outsider either marry into someone’s family or move to someplace that people say “You’re not from around here are ya?”

Just be forewarned that Kentucky is not for everyone and culturally its just a microcosm of some of the worst things of the American South. 

#Kentucky #Louisville #LouisvilleKentucky 

Kentucky Idiots

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