Monday, January 13, 2020

Reply To Another Kentucky Bully That Think's He's Going to Shut Me Down Part Number 3

By the way, since you think I'm so angry well you can think what ever you want because I'm living rent free in your head.

Let's continue.....

Kentucky schools and Louisville schools just about mirror each other when it comes to overall performance issues. For example, Kentucky ranks anywhere from 41st to 47th just about every year when it comes to the quality of Kentucky schools (or as the uneducated hilljacks of Kentucky spell sometimes SKOOLS) as they must have been thinking about Skoal.

Even more laughable is that the JCPS is now in the bottom 15 percent of the schools in Kentucky at 138th out of 159 while about a decade ago it was 118th out of 154 KY School systems. In 2017, it was 127th out of 158 but that's the type of mental morons going through the Louisville school systems and the JCPS.

Even better is that only about 54 percent of the JCPS students can actually perform at English composition and literature at a 12th grade level in the 2017-2018 school year. Now in 2018-2019 only 37.2 percent of the JCPS students were able to be proficient or distinguished in reading. Of course, the article didn't mention writing skills in this case. Which is probably about 40 to 50 percent can actually write at a 12th grade level.

Which means that if they get accepted into college or some higher education, they'll have to take all kinds of remedial classes to pursue further education and its not guaranteed the Bubba youth of Kentucky can successfully navigate basic English skills. Guess that reading, writing and arithmetic isn't so important in Kentucky school relying on social promotion and passing along the future and present morons into the system.

Even funnier is that our country cousins from Kentuckistan finish even worse when it comes to math education and overall math skills. Obviously Jebediah and the Bubbas didn't do much counting growing up and counting your fingers and toes doesn't really count. Only 30.5 percent of the JCPS high school students were proficient at math as well as only 37.2 percent reading. That means between 63 and 69 percent of the student attending JCPS school aren't proficient at one or another even after 10 plus years of education and perhaps as many as 12 years of primary school plus kindergarten.

Even better is that regularly Kentucky students and JCPS students finish at about 36 percent when understanding science. How's that for you yokels? So basically you're paying for kids to go to school from age 5 or 6 until 18 or 20 whenever they flunk out enough times they get passed out of the system. That's the Kentucky schools for you and JCPS is right there along with the biggest losers when it comes to education.

Even in Kentucky overall only 44.5 percent of the high school students were proficient at reading and 35.3 percent were proficient at math. How's that working out for you in the 47th ranked state in the country and either 47th to 50th in just about every socioeconomic category? That's Kentucky style education where the people can barely count using their fingers and toes and then wondering why they're still one of the poorest 3 or 4 states in the entire country.

Even more embarrassing is that Kentucky doesn't value education even though the state government in the Commonwealth of Kentucky 30 years ago passed the Kentucky Education Reform Act and they've had 30 years to show how much of a failure they really have been over 3 decades. Very good show Kentucky, you can start your own Hee Haw version of Kentucky Life.

Looks like the Kentucky educational system failed again and maybe that's why dumb Kentuckians are increasingly the rule not the exception.

So you can think about that one and chew on it for a while since you think I'm supposedly the unhealthy one when your own students are largely dolts and morons and every family graduates at least a couple of them over the years.

Now if its with the Kentucky mentality rather than fix the problems and produce smarter people you'll sit on your asses and bitch and moan that someone is calling out your state showing you what a human trash pit it really is. Just remember don't burn down your trailer parks because they don't pass out federal aid for arson cases and they don't allow insurance claims for people that commit arson for their hovels.

Kentucky Idiots

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