Monday, January 13, 2020

Reply To Another Kentucky Bully That Thinks He's Got the Power To Shut Me Down

Poor guy trying your bully boy act complaining about me stating what I think. Guess what......too bad so now if you don't like it then by all means you can call your mama. By the way, I'll continue posting here whether you like it or not. So I'll continue calling out the trash mentality state that Kentucky is and has been for quite a while.

Your problem is that you don't like what I am saying and obviously you're not intelligent enough to take it however and then run along to your other activities. Too bad. I'll continue calling out the crooks, crooked politicians, slumlords and others in Louisville and Kentucky that screw decent people living their lives

I perfectly understand the meaning of free speech and I'll continue to say what I feel like saying whether you like it or not, I'll guess you'll have to get over it and moan about it from your practice during work hours or you'll have to go back to Dumpster City and have a conniption.

You find me obnoxious...great..good and here's the kicker for you tough crap. I think I'll stay here a while and keep putting out more of the truth about Louisville that the good old boy network and butt kissers don't like.

As far as unhealthy, strange, that you would comment about unhealthy because you live in one of the unhealthiest states in the country that ranks 1st in the country in percentage of depression issues, a state that ranks 1st or 2nd nearly every year in cancer deaths per capita, near the top in diabetes cases, near the top in heart attacks, etc. When I look at half of the people in Kentucky I almost want to pity them rather than call out the issues because many Kentuckians look like they are one step from kicking the bucket.

Not to mention for most people the lower quality of life they have in the Commonwealth of Kentucky versus most other states especially in the North, Northeast, East and West even in some southern metro areas.

Even more laughable is that the Commonwealth of Kentucky ranks 47th in educational attainment along with being 41st in the quality of their universities. Imagine, a state with two top 20 basketball programs being just about the only thing they can crow about while they don't have any universities ranked in the top 100 anytime in the last 10 to 15 years in US News and World Report or any other objective publication that ranks universities. U of L did make it to 98th one year in the quality of the Brandeis School of Law but that's just about it. Not even the esteemed Speed School at U of L ranked in the top 100 engineering programs in the United States. That's a quite damning indictment of the Kentucky university system that between University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, Murray State, WKU, EKU, Morehead and others that NONE of the Kentucky universities rank in the top 100 out of US universities. Obviously, U of L isn't all that great to start with.

However, if you do a little bit of research you'll find that Indiana, Illinois and Ohio all had at least one or more top notch university system such as Purdue, Indiana, Notre Dame, University of Chicago, probably Ohio State and countless others. Not one though in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. But you're got two top 20 basketball programs even though they've both been under probation including Hooker University at Belknap who lost their title of 2013 and the University of Kentucky, the second most penalized program in NCAA history. That's Kentucky pride for you and the rest of the denizens of Kentucky.

Since I'm at it and knowing how much it ticks Kentuckians off let's talk about Kentucky being the 2nd most corrupt state after Illinois when it comes to public officials being convicted and doing jail time. Or a state that can't pay for its pension program for teachers and public employees because its fiscally broke to the point that it has to spend 1 billion dollars just to get roads and bridges in a state up to a C level. Sounds like Kentucky has fiscal problems and major cash flow problems caused by the fact that it has had a lackluster economy for decades which is why we find plenty of cars with Kentucky plates far into Indiana and other states because they have to leave Kentucky for jobs elsewhere.

Let's add in the fact that Kentucky has a huge population of functional illiterates in Kentucky as much as 20 percent of the population. In a state with 4.5 million people that means that 900,000 Kentuckians at most are functionally illiterate. Isn't that a shame? Stuck in poverty level jobs if they can get one or ended up on government welfare projects that do nothing but perpetuate the same cycle for generations and nothing ever gets done about it in Kensucky.

Does that explain why Kentucky ranks 47th in personal per capita income (per person for you Davey) and 47th in median family income meaning that half of Kentucky families make below the state median income and half above. Or the fact that Kentucky also ranks 47th in household income

Kentucky Idiots

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