Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Louisville: Impossibility City Part 2

I love how Louisville has all kinds of signs around the city painted on buildings or hung on the buildings with these big placards stating how its Mary T's Louisville or someone else around the city that got some claim to fame even though most of them left Louisville to do so. In fact, some of them including Muhammad Ali spent decades away from Louisville despite it supposedly being such a great first class city. Just in the last 40 years or so before he passed, Ali lived in Detroit, Phoenix, and elsewhere but not in Louisville until he bought a place in Anchorage that ended up having mold issues and other problems. Ever notice, that a lot of these luminaries don't stay around Louisville after they've made it big time.

Even the formerly esteemed Louisville basketball coach left Louisville as soon as he got canned by the university because there's nothing all that special about Louisville and the surrounding area. It didn't take him more than a week or two to put up his home for sale and sell it off and then he was already in Florida ruminating whatever the hell else he's going to do with the rest of his life. I'm sure he won't be hurting though financially running away to the bank with all his money. I've noticed this constantly over the years that all these people are from Kentucky but they've moved far away from Louisville and Kentucky in general because there is nothing really all that redeeming either in the state nor in Louisville. That's why Louisville and the famous horse racing organization and its subsidiaries and community supporters have to recruit celebrities to come to Louisville during that famous horse race in May. They actually have to pay appearance fees to famous sports celebrities, movie stars, B listers, etc because there isn't anything else in Louisville that really is culturally redeeming enough to really visit there. Its nothing more in many areas than a skidmark on a pair of tighty whiteys. Look at downtown Louisville how it empties out after the latest concert or U of L game at the big chicken bucket on the Riverfront. Hell, Louisville couldn't even get an NBA/NHL team while even smaller cities and metro areas outside of Louisville have teams including real pissholes like New Orleans, Memphis, etc. Even minor ass cities like Salt Lake, Nashville, Buffalo, Raleigh, Memphis, Oklahoma City, Jacksonville, etc have some sort of professional sports or some other civic pride accomplishment. What does Louisville have? Not much unless you're into shopping at shitty strip malls and other outfits. Museums? Ali and Frazier? Nothing much there either. The only real attraction Louisville has going for it is the Zoo and I'm not talking about the crime infested West End which is a totally different issue. You call Standiford Field an international airport? Really? Despite the fact that it probably doesn't even have an international flight that goes anywhere directly out of the country. Even UPS about pulled out of Louisville back in 1994 because the local city government led by light in the loafers former Mayor Abramson couldn't even get the snow moved out of the city streets and highways around Louisville. Add in the incompetents of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet not being able to properly clean roadways off and UPS your biggest employer would have been gone a long time ago. It continues to get better though because the truth is that Louisville was going backwards for decades and if you look at the history of Louisville, for those of us smart enough to know the difference and reading, you'll find that Louisville once had opportunities at having much more but they passed up on all kinds of opportunities such as NFL teams in the 1960s which went to Atlanta. The Colonels in the 70s were a big draw but the city of Loserville and the owners couldn't and wouldn't come up with 3 million dollars to pay for the franchise fee to join the NBA. Despite in 1976 having a pretty good basketball arena already there at the Fairgrounds that would eventually have to be replaced. Even the dirtball Charlie Finley wanted to move the Kansas City Athletics to the Fairgrounds old Cardinal Stadium but was rebuffed so Louisville didn't have anything to actually get its shit together. So its gotten better over the generations as one Democratic mayor after the next continued to ignore the problems in Mayberry as the local population continued to decline in intelligence and quality. It started with Harvey Sloane from 1973 to 1977 and again from 1981 to 1985. Then 13 years of Democrat Abramson first from 1985 to 1998. Followed by David Armstrong from 1998 to 2002. Then again followed by Abramson again from 2003 to 2011. Now you have Fischer who looks almost identical to his wife. Just to have to wonder if its a Kentucky trait to look like brother and sister? Louisville likes to talk big and deliver little. Which is why Louisville compared to other sister cities in this region of the Ohio Valley, Upper South, and Midwest is totally a joke and a farce of a city. Louisville acts not much bigger than say a dump like Owensboro or Bowling Green and maybe that's because its in Kentucky and they have nothing better to look up to. Even smaller cities like Nashville have long ago passed up Louisville in arts, entertainment, culture, sports, business opportunities and much more. Louisville still thinks its a bunch of great neighborhoods when in fact most of them from neighborhood to next look and act all the same. Add in all the run down buildings and crappy infrastructure in Louisville that looks like it was built about 100 years ago and more. Roadways with bike lanes that are so narrow that I'm surprised that more bike riders haven't been killed by the SUV driving public and those driving large trucks. All the while the streets look like someone forgot to pave them at any time this century. What's up with Dixie Die-way which was the roughest stretch of crappy road south of the Watterson for years. No one knows how to properly pave and structure a roadway? Louisville streets are an abomination for a city of its size and have been for years. It looks like something you would see in a run down city like Detroit or Cleveland neither of which are terribly well off or economically prosperous. At least they have much more bad winter weather for 5 months out of the year with freezing weather from November through March. Even the inner city of Cincinnati has better streets that Louisville and minus its crime issues, Cincinnati has more going for it than Louisville. Same goes for Indianapolis, Columbus, most of St. Louis metro minus the Central City of St. Louis, etc.

Nashville is a nicer city than Louisville and much more clean as if people can understand basic trash disposal and pickup. That's another thing about Louisville that's amazing is that you can drive in the West End or Dixie Highway and find trash everywhere along the streets and roadways. We're talking about glass bottles, needles, fast food bags, plastic bags, cups, etc. As if none of the Kentucky hilljacks actually understand waste removal and disposal in trash cans. Maybe they're too stupid to clean out their cars at a gas station or when they wash their jalopies. However, the trashiness isn't just in the West End or Southwest Louisville. Its down roads like National Turnpike, the Outer Loop, Preston Hwy, Bardstown Road, Newburg Road, etc. As if no one in Louisville bothers to clean anything during winter or around any other time of the year except for the world famous horse race which is Louisville's only real claim to fame. I remember countless times being on Preston Hwy and stopping at various places along the way and the whole roadside looks like a garbage can exploded with cups and cigarette butts everywhere. Kentuckians don't obviously understand cleanliness or being able to pick up after themselves. Its snowing again in Louisville and they've already got tens of slide-offs in Louisville because idiots drive way too fast. Watching this on the net and its laughable how bad Louisville drivers really are despite the fact that the city gets about 3 months of real inclement weather in an entire year. Especially from the first of December until March when it finally starts to warm up. I remember a couple of years ago watching the Louisville TV stations and how the morons in Louisville couldn't handle an inch of snow without having hundreds of wrecks because the inbred idiots aren't intelligent enough to drive slower and leave just a bit earlier to get to work, home, shopping etc. It can't even be the excuse that these are people from California or some other Southern state with dozens and hundreds of these slide-offs and wrecks. Anyway, back to Greg Fischer's Louisville and how badly the place is ran with criminal morons and degenerates being able to commit crimes and acts of violence then handled with kid gloves by the local police forces. All the while the criminal enabling mayor and his handpicked butt kissing police chief allows the criminal trash, violent thugs, and lifelong losers to continue to have a free pass. Not to mention every time one turns around and watches some level of gang violence and losers harassing tourists and walkers at Waterfront Park or around the Big Four bridge. Add in the fact that the Louisville schools are so pathetically bad that it creates generations of these useless eaters and lifelong morons incapable of holding even the most basic and menial jobs. Not asking a whole lot there but when about half of Louisville students can't even spell, read, and do mathematics at grade level when they leave school says a lot about what a totally fucked up system that is. When your metro schools in Louisville are so bad that you're 122nd out of 159 Kentucky schools including hillbilly schools in Eastern Kentucky and Southern Kentucky. That speaks volumes. In fact, I've been about everywhere in the United States or at least have talked to people from every state and generally every region and I've never seen people as dysfunctional as in Kentucky and Louisville especially. The sad thing is that this isn't just a few morons causing problems and being illiterate dirtbags but a large percentage of the local population. Every state has its scumbags and hicks and ghetto bangers, its just that Louisville, Kentucky and environs in the state of Kentucky has more illiterate morons than just about anywhere and that's in comparison to other states that have some major league horrible cities which are carbuncles on the ass of humanity. Kentucky could do so much better to at least keep the damage to its worst of the worst areas especially in places like Louisville Metro and even parts of Lexington. Instead it exports its crap to the rest of the world because eventually some of these morons leave Kentucky and end up populating other states around Kentucky which don't need the additional white trash. However, at least in our states, these people are seen and known as undesirables and scorned by the locals that live here. Where I live at now, if someone sees a Kentucky plate they got a good clue there are people either fleeing Kentucky or are up to no good and if you pull your Kentucky shit here you'll end up in jail. It doesn't fly here nor in surrounding counties and you would be welcomed if you acted like sensible and intelligent people but not if you're white trash morons from Kentucky. Another thing about Greg Fischer's Louisville is the rotting economic structure and increasing impoverishment of the local population which ends up only benefiting those in the higher realms of economic power. Kentucky has long allowed this crap to go on where its smaller communities lose massive amounts of population to Louisville, Lexington, etc. Essentially exporting people to other states and municipalities because the local yokels in places like Central Kentucky, Appalachia, Southwestern Kentucky haven't done anything for generations to create good paying jobs and they won't as long as they keep producing generations of morons incapable of being productive and intelligent citizens. That's why Kentucky continues to fail economically and have budget deficits, economic problems, government waste, and massive corruption. You're fooling yourself if you think that Kentucky doesn't have corruption in government and the local chieftains and family member running your various counties while the infrastructure and tax bases around you are collapsing. All the while more businesses and factories continue to escape the state or end up going broke themselves. Its like Louisville and why it looks like a bombed out post industrial mess in so many places because they've not bothered to keep up infrastructure and business development. I was once a member of Young Professionals of Louisville when I lived there and it was nothing more than a social networking organization that did very little that actually pushed for more growth and development in the Louisville region. They were more worried about pushing for ultra liberal feel good crap like smoking bans and social issues. Sorry but that doesn't take care of the economy, education system, or pay the bills to keep a roof over your head and your finances well off. Not to mention that doesn't help your state economically and socially progress into more intelligent and worthwhile endeavors and pursuits. That in a nutshell is why Louisville is a joke compared to many other metro areas that not only work on economic development and better wages all the while Louisville worries about left wing liberal crap like bike lanes, smoking bans, and other crap. All the while its roadways, infrastructure, business development are totally backwards and the city has nothing to really get and keep more people. Louisville though doesn't think that way even though their city has went backwards over the last 35 years or so. Once it had 36 percent of its jobs tied to manufacturing products which is a noble enterprise and should be encouraged. However, its now only about 10 percent of the jobs in Jefferson County, mirroring other cities in the United States especially in the Rust Belt as jobs have fled those formerly prosperous areas. However, where Louisville really fails is in its ability to attract and retain bright people because they end up running off to other neighboring cities and regions. Indianapolis and Cincinnati are prime examples where the best and brightest in Kentucky run off to in order to make a living and find decent employment and career opportunities. Every time I go to Indianapolis on business, I usually meet someone from Kentucky or Louisville proper and many of them would like to return home but they know that they would have problems getting suitable employment even in Louisville and especially in a harsher economic climate like what happened from 2008 to 2013. Even those people would wish to live in the Louisville area but they know that they would be economically deprived and held back by the horrid local Louisville economic structure where jobs for their skill levels and skill sets are often nonexistent. It reminds me of a friend from Southern Indiana that lived close to Louisville but refused to move back to his home area because of the local economy in the Louisville area and he decided to stay in Indianapolis and then later transfer to Colorado. Louisville doesn't value education, common sense, and basic intelligence in its businesses and companies. Which is why Louisville remains an economic backwater in the Midwest/Ohio Valley/Upper South. When dealing with the rest of Kentucky outside of part of Lexington, Louisville, and Cincinnati Metro, they don't anything to majorly look upward towards with the decrepit Kentucky educational system not to mention the poverty stricken state of Kentucky. A state that cannot even fund police cruisers and proper weapons for law enforcement which is an essential part of governmental activity. All the while, they can fund needle addicts and drug users with needles for them to shoot up with that end up in the roadways around Jefferson, Bullitt, Shelby and Oldham counties along with other Kentucky counties including parts of Southern Indiana where drugs have taken over now. Kentucky doesn't give a damn about education and it shows when the state ranks in the bottom third in public education and has for decades despite the fact that they currently spend 10,192 for every student every year. Even more ridiculous is that they spend more money than my local school district in the north but have worse economic and educational outcomes than my semi-rural district where at least the average high school student graduates with a decent educational background and basic set of skills they can move ahead for technical school, trades, colleges and universities or end up doing military service.

In Kentucky, the state could give a damn less about educating its citizens because if Kentuckians were actually educated they would start fleeing the great trailer park on the Ohio River and leave for better ran states. Therefore, that would leave Kentucky with a larger percentage of its population being morons even more than now because they smart people would readily flee Kentucky knowing about the economic deprivation they face daily. Greg Fischer's Louisville brags about attaining 55,000 new college graduates by 2020 but there is little evidence that has occurred much less that they will stay in Louisville to be successful and intelligent people. In fact, as soon as they see the crappy work environment and the crappy pay for jobs in Louisville they flee to other cities. In fact, years ago former Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson was running around to other cities across the country trying to recruit people to come back to Louisville.

Most of them were polite but said no thanks because Louisville had very little to offer former residents who chose to stay in Texas, Atlanta, San Francisco, Denver, Phoenix, and many other locations. That's why Louisville had to do their publicly funded Impossibility City campaign properly called Possibility City which is laughable at best. Its so laughable in light of the economic and job opportunities in Louisville and even parts of Southern Indiana directly across the river. Louisville had to pull that sort of gambit in order to try to attract people back but as of 2006 to now in 2018, its pretty much been a failure as people with intelligence are fleeing Louisville and Kentucky in generation

In essence, Louisville is failing because of the stupidity of its population, its horrible educational environment, and the fact that its economy is essentially upside down. A true banana republic type of government on the Ohio River along with an incompetent state government ran by rubes and vacuous boobs incapable of creating the conditions that would make their state successful. A state which has 120 counties and various chieftains called state legislators who are provincial at best and just totally ignorant at worst. Which are elected into office by a population that is one of the worst educated in America to the point that even foreign students and residents of other countries have an education level in many cases much superior than the residents of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Feeding the Kentucky Trolls

One thing that I've never understood about Kentuckians at large is their ability to totally be oblivious to the garbage that their state truly is. Not to mention the fact that they are some of the most easily offended people in all of America. They get more upset over the smallest comments about their state. Instead of actually working hard to improve their state and quality of life, they either have to compare it to somewhere else in the United States that happens to have worse problems than they. In addition, they also have the thinnest skin and get the most upset because their state continually ends up being one of the worst states in the United States.

This despite the facts that on the Northern boundaries of Kentucky are Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana with Missouri to the west. So they don't have any real excuses for the fact that their state government and social systems have regularly been noted as being the worst run state in the United States. Not to mention that from 1939 to 2017, they have never went above 44th place in the 50 states in per capita personal income. NOT EVEN ONCE!

The laughable thing is that they are far enough north to never have really been a major part of the Confederate States of America and all of the issues spawned in the 152 years since the Confederacy was defeated by the Union forces. Instead of emulating their northern brothers in Ohio, Indiana, Illnois and even Missouri, they continue to be a lighter version of poverty stricken states like Arkansas, Mississippi, and West Virginia.

As one might expect, I get my fair share of hate mail from Kentucky residents. Which I don't know always how to react to either with scorn and derision or pity that these people many of whom simply don't know any better. I've stated this hundreds of times over the years when I both lived in Kentucky and outside of the state and its that there are good and decent Kentuckians but the mouth breathers seem to hold sway in the state. In that I've spent time in Kentucky during the 1990s, 2000s, and it hasn't changed that much over the years. I moved to Kentucky many years ago with no preconceived notions about Kentuckians and their society at large. However, I've been less than impressed when I've seen the type of society that Kentucky has continually devolved in over the years as in it seems to be going from bad to worse.

Not just in income and poverty statistics, but in the overall well being of said citizens of Kentucky. Yet when confronted with these painful statistics and truths, they suddenly become often enraged to the point of wanting to commit violence and criminal actions. Instead of logically and rationally explaining what they are doing to rectify the situation, most Kentuckians start by cussing their critics out or some other idiotic behavior. Rather than bucking up and fixing their problems, they choose to ignore what kind of a rotten place they actually live in. Then they'll in many cases start cussing someone out or talking about Detroit and its problems all the while Kentucky has more in common with Detroit or problem areas such as the South Side of Chicago income and poverty wise along with education.

So in essence, I get all kinds of nasty comments from Kentucky trolls and have for years so by this point it simply doesn't bother me. Maybe some of them I have truly asked for with my opinion of the average Kentuckian and their way of life. It seems as if their only real source of pride is either of their basketball programs at the collegiate level being the University of Kentucky and University of Louisville. Outside of that, there isn't much else to be proud of outside of bourbon production, some cars made in Kentucky, etc.

I suppose I could be easier on people from Kentucky but their often uneducated and idiotic responses are why I like to poke them with a stick and watch them get all kinds of upset regarding their plight. In which, they don't really have much in the way of rebuttals or explanations of why their state is overall a stinking fetid hole in the ground. Am I angry about it, no not really other than I am amazed at the level of ignorance and stupidity that many of the common people in that state exhibit on the everyday basis.

Anyway, I know this will get me the usual rants and complaints from Kentuckians along with the usual, I'll kick your ass comments because they can't say or prove or refute anything that I have really pointed out. Instead of focusing on their progress and achievements, overall they end up getting defensive about someone simply pointing out that lack of sense that exists in Kentucky. Kentucky Idiots

Monday, January 8, 2018

Kentucky: Lousy Education and Lousy Outcomes Part Two

Kentucky Idiots Kentucky has always been near the bottom of the states of the Union in just about every major category. From being 46th in income to being 47th in educational attainment. Not to mention that Kentucky is just about dead last above everything including the fact that its one of the worst states for education, literacy, child abuse, elder abuse, and animal abuse.

The truth is that Kentucky even in their own state government realizes that their state is only 47th to 49th in just about every category because Mississippi is dead last in just about every category. Not to mention that a survey was published of the Congressional districts in Kentucky that was given out to various people in Kentucky. What they found was that their state themselves ranked 49th in their own perception of well being. These aren't just stats that someone can cherry pick but year over year and decade over decade going back to the 1930s, Kentucky regularly ranked 44th or worse in income going back decades. Not to mention that even during the 1970s when people made much less money than now, that Kentucky every year ranked around 20 percent below the standard of living that existed in Indiana at that time. 

The facts are that Kentucky again ranks at the bottom of just about everything. Not to mention being supposedly with an IQ of 99 which is 3 points lower than the IQ in the states to the north of Kentucky. When reality is served, again Kentucky will always be the lower of the states mentioned including Ohio, Illinois, and even Michigan where countless more global corporations are located than Kentucky. Even outside of the crime ridden city of Detroit and its economic and social problems that have existed there for decades. 

The average IQ in Indiana is 101.7 versus 99 in Kentucky. In truth, its much lower in Kentucky especially once you get out of the larger urban areas where professionals, doctors, lawyers, computer scientists, and other successful people live in large numbers. Considering that even state legislators in Kentucky say "Thank God For Mississippi" makes it immensely laughable at your assertions. Its even more laughable that the Washington Post in their flawed assessment ranks about 18 states below Kentucky which is one of the worst three or four states. The funny thing is that Kentucky even in 2014 and 2015 or so didn't even rank anywhere close to the top 20 in K-12 education in that even when overall state rankings were announced that Indiana and its school systems ranked in the top 20 of US states. In fact, Indiana was ranked 20th for its school systems while Kentucky was ranked 38th which was better than about any other time in the last 50 years where Kentucky usually ranks 42nd, 45th, etc. 

Kentuckians at large are largely devoid of common sense as well as evidenced by countless acts of mass stupidity over the generations where people in other states including Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania and elsewhere have seen the stupidity and third world mentality that exists amongst the majority of the fools that come from Kentucky. See the issue is that when Kentuckians emigrate from their white trash state to other states, they always find a way to prove their ignorance and stupidity to the point that the people from those states to which they flee to realize their stupidity and have to keep the Kentucky white trash morons in their place. 

Even more laughable is that Kentuckians regularly over the decades had to flee the white trash cesspool of the Ohio Valley to go to find work in other states so far flung as to relocate 300 or 400 miles or more just to find decent paying employment. The facts are that the steel mills of places like Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois regularly had hired former Kentucky residents because they knew they could pay them much less for the kind of work they were doing. However, the locals after finding out how stupid the Kentuckians truly were had derision for their ignorance and stupidity which is something that continues to this day. Even funnier is that Kentuckians regularly moved into states like Ohio where I also have extended family and were not well liked in places like Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus and the other countless smaller communities across that state. This was not all that long ago that this influx of Kentucky white trash morons went to other states especially from the 1940s to the late 1970s. 

All because Kentucky had such a terrible economic climate in all those years that massive amounts of Kentucky residents had to flee North in order to find work. Even more funny is that I've personally known people from Kentucky who have said such over the years that they had to leave the cesspool of the Ohio Valley in order to go to other states to even find paying work doing most anything else instead of staying in Bumpkinville or other locations in Kentucky such as Henderson, Owensboro, Eastern Kentucky, etc. 

Per Capita Income is the sole issue here as well because Kentucky again ranks 47th in per capita income behind some states like South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, as well as all of the Midwestern States along with the East Coast and West Coast. Kentucky even ranks below other Southern states, cough cough laugh when it comes to economic performance and is only ahead of Mississippi, West Virginia, and Arkansas when it comes to per capita income. 

Which means that states such as the Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Virginia rank ahead of Kentucky. Not to mention the fact that those states have very little in the way of actual natural resources outside of oil in Louisiana that would actually boost their rankings out of proportion. Much less keep Kentucky from being a bottom feeder state in the bottom 5 or 10 states that it has been for years. The per capita GDP is laughable because this map shows that all of the surrounding states are again ahead of you with the exception of West Virginia. Even the industrially bombed out state of Michigan is ahead of you after decades of losing jobs to places overseas which is even more laughable because Kentuckians like to bring up Detroit as being indicative of Michigan. Which Detroit lost 66 percent of its population from 1950 of 2.1 million to 700,000 today of which many of them left the state and the others located in the more economically stable areas encircling Detroit. 

The truth is again Kentuckian that these statistics don't like and the only real evidence you put out there is that Kentucky was ranked 28th in GDP as a whole which means very little because the truth is that Kentucky has more population than about 20 states of which many are much smaller population wise. Even so, you're still behind the other 45 states when it comes to economic performance and two sites here easily refute anything that you have to say. Its too bad that like most hilljacks from Kentucky that you're too moronic to read and actually learn something. 

So let me list those sites one of which is from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the other is from the Open Data Network. Add in the fact that I got a lot of data from the US Census Bureau as well over the time that I've been rightfully bashing your state of dunces and intellectually deficient morons that can barely graduate high school much less achieve any other real educational program of substance. 


Another thing that should be mentioned is that none of the universities in Kentucky rank in the top 100 out of all of the public universities in the United States when measured in a ranking in 2017 by US News and World Report. Not one of them including U of L, UK, Western Kentucky, Morehead State, etc. Not even the acclaimed University of Louisville engineering programs or law school programs rank in the top 100 out of all of their peer universities in the United States of America. In fact, U of L has ranked in the 160th to 170th ranked universities for the better part of the past decade all despite being one of the universities in the United States with one of the largest financial endowments in the entire country. The only endowment that U of L was worried about is making sure that Rick Pitino was banging every piece of ass he could including the blonde bimbo that got nailed on the table at the second rate restaurant that she was being banged at after hours. 

Add in the fact that the University of Kentucky, your so called esteemed athletic institution masquerading as a university did not even crack the top 100 in these rankings as well. Not to mention that they haven't been in the top 100 for the last decade as none of the state universities in Kentucky have made it into the top 100 much less top 125. The even more laughable thing is that according to the 2017-2018 US News and World Report Education Rankings, the difference between Indiana and Kentucky is that three large universities in the State of Indiana made the top 100 being that it was Notre Dame, Purdue, and Indiana University. While none of the schools from Kentucky cracked the top 100. 

What does that say about the education system in Kentucky even at the collegiate level when people from Kentucky who live in Kentucky and most of whom are from Kentucky can't even raise the standard of their education experience into a decent level rather than remaining a bunch of third world neanderthals dripping at the mouth with rantings about UKAY basketball or U of L is number one and this championship is the most important thing in my life. Says a lot about the educational system in Kentucky which we ALL know is horrendously low quality and gives out nothing of real value in most cases. The latest rankings ranks your top school as being the University of Kentucky which ranks 133rd in the country. The laughingstock on Belknap Campus called the University of Louisville ranked 165th as it has ranked 150th and below for the majority of the last decade. Schools such as Eastern Kentucky and Western Kentucky ranked even lower. But that's Kentucky which ranks 41st in advanced education and 47th in educational attainment. 

Let's talk about the public schools in Kentucky as well. Because its well known even outside of the state of Kentucky by people in the educational realm that Kentucky again ranks near the bottom of all states when it comes to educational outcomes. Let's talk about Louisville and the areas surrounding Louisville from the perspective of education. Not to mention the fact that Louisville is one of the worst educated cities in America with a population above 250,000 and has been for decades. Not to mention that even back in 2010 the Jefferson County Public Schools in Louisville, Kentucky ranked 127th out of 154 Kentucky school districts in a state that regularly ranks in the low to mid 40s for public instruction. Here's some more facts from the Courier Journal newspaper in Louisville. 


Oops did I read that correctly that the scores have flat lined and that only about half of the kids are actually proficient or distinguished in and actually in Jefferson County its even worse at 44.5 percent in reading and mathematics. 

Even more funny yet quite sad is that the KPREP shows that only 49.4 percent of JCPS KPREP examinations were in the proficient or distinguished level for education in English. Or that in the Commonwealth of Kentucky its only 55.8 percent which means that nearly half of Kentucky graduates from high school can't even be proficient at English language. 

Its even worse when it comes to Algebra in that JCPS students scored 35.3 percent while the state was 38 percent. That even students were ranked at 52.5 percent for US History in Jefferson County with the state average of 57.5 percent. Which means that these graduates from Kentucky schools consist of 42.5 percent of students not being able to be proficient in US History. All the while these people end up in the workforce maybe as well as being voters and they're not even smart enough to know their own national history. 

Even more amazing is that JCPS (Jefferson County Public Schools )being supposedly one of the best financed educational systems in Kentucky due to its large size of 97,000 students isn't any better than dirt shack poor schools in rural areas. But not that much worse in that its only a few percentage points. 

Add in the fact that just 50 percent of the graduates in high school are able to be proficient in things such as reading. The same sad story goes for mathematics for high school students at the JCPS with only 36 percent being proficient at math. The state statistics are no better though in that 55.8 percent are proficient at high school level reading comprehension. Not to mention math is even lower at 38 percent of the high school students being proficient at math. 

The same results are evident from the statistics that are showed via the Kentucky Department of Education's own website which can be found here for the JCPS and versus state statistics. Because its obvious from the schools point of view that their students are barely at 50 to 55 percent of all students proficient at reading, writing, math, social studies. Which means that 45 percent of them are leaving school without tools to be successful at much of anything. 


It doesn't matter much between whether its those big city schools that have tens of thousands of minorities that you dislike or are disliked by the people in Pumpkin Patch or the fact that your rural schools in Kentucky outside of Louisville and Lexington are not any better than those of the JCPS. 

Kentucky Idiots

Comment To One of My Kentucky Critics

Kentucky Idiots

Even better is the fact that I've been proven right by statistics, facts, figures, and various other means to prove what I've been saying. Its too easy to look up vast repositories of information and find exactly what I am looking for regarding Kentucky. I have no problem with most people in most states. I do have a problem with a state and population that is willfully ignorant to the point that it might as well be part of the People's Republic of Detroit. Or better yet a subsection of South Chicago and even then some of the people in the ghetto end up being someone or something that most Kentucky imbeciles are incapable of becoming. Even with their so called superior white genes or so they think. 

The laughable thing is that despite the fact that Kentucky borders 3 northern states in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio it remains economically destitute, educationally backwards, and is in most areas outside of the East End of Louisville, Lexington, and parts of Northern Kentucky a toilet so to speak. The South End of Louisville is comprised of some of the dumbest people that I have encountered in my life and that includes being to countless states and talked to people in various foreign countries. 

You know, those places that most Kentuckians can barely pronounce in their illiterate yokel speak where it sounds like they have a cow patty in their mouth. Or when they get their Billybob teeth and gums spread apart so they can say "It's A Beee-Yew-Tee-Full Day in the slowest and most ignorant sounding dialect of the English language possible."

It's even more laughable that Kentucky can only pride itself on the Cards (U of L) and (University of Kentucky Wildcats) commonly pronounced Cayuts basketball rivalry as a state as if its actually important to anyone that is an outsider to the state. Or as one backwoods moron in Cave City once said after a game the night before when I was passing through getting gas to go to Nashville, "How bout dem Cats?" as if everyone watched their sordid game from the night before. 

The laughable thing is that this guy couldn't have been dealing with a full deck of cards between his ears but the most important thing in his entire shitty existence was Kentucky basketball. Same goes for the chirping imbeciles that constantly have their head up their asses in regards to all things U of L even to the point that things such as integrity, honesty, ethics, and basic morality doesn't matter even when their coach puts his ten seconds into a woman he is not married to in a Italian restaurant and then later pays for her to have an abortion. 

Or when the university and its basketball program has to face the fact that an assistant coach was bringing hookers back to the dorms where the basketball players were living. Not to mention getting payments arranged for recruits by the coach swinging dick as was mentioned in the latest filings in federal court. Yet the mentally and morally compromised Kentucky based trash thinks that's ok but they got to have their basketball to make sure their boring, nondescript, and often shitty lives have meaning through such. 

Its that sort of aversion to the truth that makes me laugh at how chronically stupid that most Kentuckians truly are and have to defend such nonsense especially when its quite obvious that such activities occurred. All the while they sound as if someone stuck a stick pin through their penis when anyone dares question their commonwealth or state. Because anyone that spent time in the state as an outsider has found out that Kentuckians at least most of them are ultra sensitive to anyone telling the truth about facts regarding their sordid backward state. Even in Kentucky though amongst the more useful and intelligent people which are a small percentage of the general population, they even know and will occasionally say about social and economic problems in Kentucky, "Thank God for Mississippi."

Which is a damning statement in that Mississippi along with Arkansas, West Virginia and then Kentucky comprise the four worst states in the United States. Yet in Kentucky, the moron infested population sets its sights so high that at least they will say happily that they are not Mississippi and they aren't those other states either but being 47th at just about everything is perfectly normal and a standard to achieve. Which speaks to the intellect and intelligence of the average Kentucky resident in which it is quite low generally. Usually when Kentucky residents and natives are confronted with such painful truths they either try to deflect the facts that their state is among the worst 4 or 5 states in the United States and has been for decades. 

Even more laughable is that instead of pulling up facts and figures to make a case for their state and its greatness, they have nothing worthwhile to brag about other than a few meaningless issues in the big picture such as bourbon or basketball or some other pursuit that is done in plenty of other places in the United States and done quite proficiently by people elsewhere. Nothing to really brag about chaps their asses so their next speech is to threaten people with kicking their ass or thinking that they are going to intimidate someone from speaking ill of the trashiest state in the entire Union. Even Mississippi, Arkansas, and West Virginia are overall cleaner states than Kentucky and I've been to all of them over the last few years. 

In Louisville, which is supposedly the crown jewel of life in Kentucky the roadways in many areas of the city and the yards of the residents are filled with trash, food wrappers, etc. Lexington doesn't even compare economically or nationally except for being known as the home of the University of Kentucky so Louisville has about 20 percent of the population of Kentucky and is the so called gold standard of the state. Louisville as well as other areas around Louisville especially to the south in Bullitt County looks like a turd that gets polished every once in a while but is still a turd. 

Add in the fact that in Louisville they actually have to start cleaning up the city for the so called horse race in May a few weeks prior to its running to make it look presentable adds to the laughter. All the while they have inmates at the Louisville Department of Corrections cleaning roadways so they city shines bright for the horse race. Then within a couple of weeks afterwards it goes back to looking like the same old Louisville with trash everywhere and disposed fast food wrappers, plastic and glass bottles, junk, etc just about everywhere in the Central Business District, West End, South End Toilet, Dixie Highway, Preston Highway, etc. 

What I found even more funny was that in 2016 when Louisville native Muhammad Ali died and the city had to stage his funeral procession and public ceremonies that they had to get volunteers to clean the city again just about a month after the Kentucky Derby. In which in just one month, the moron population in Louisville turned the city into a pig sty all over again just like they do for most of the rest of the year. The Detroit of the South mentality is alive an well in Louisville although one could say that Memphis, Birmingham, and New Orleans are competitors as well for that crown jewel achievement of laziness and trashy behavior. 

For our resident morons from Kentucky that get all worked up over my posts, they haven't even seen the best yet from me in that I'm going to continue to point out the stupidity and blatant moronic behavior that happens within the borders of the Outpost or better yet Compost on the Ohio. In regards to my so called obsession that you claim, I spend very little time ruminating about Kentucky out of my 18 hour day.

So little time that its barely a drop in the bucket and if these posts help out people thinking about moving to the destructive hellhole that Kentucky is so be it. For their own benefit, they'll do their research and instead of Kentucky try out one of the 49 other states or maybe 40 other states that are worthy of their attention, education, life work, etc. 

To my little friend that talks about taking me to Horse Cave, Red River Gorge, Natural Bridge, that just sounds wonderful but I've already been to those places and your idea of thinking you can physically harm me is laughable at best. I spent about 20 years of life out hiking through some pretty rough country in desolate areas of what we call America and have experienced wildlife that would be more dangerous as an enemy than some piss poor hilljack from some bumpkin town in Kentucky. Add in the fact that I've actually lived in places and been to more cities and dangerous situations than you can count on your fingers and toes is another thing. I've spent plenty of times in caves and valleys and hillsides in rural America including plenty of mountain hiking, desert hiking and dealing with wild dogs, coyotes, etc. 

So you could try to push me off somewhere or think that you could actually try just a stupid stunt only to find yourself in a world of hurt while your jiggly fat ass with meth mouth from meth and too much Mountain Dew makes you more froggy than you really are. Threats appeal to me than most ordinary people especially our Kentucky bumpkin country cousins who would shit their pants if they actually had to live or work in an inner city anywhere much less live in urban areas where life is tough. 

The truth is that I own you every time you spend half your day flagging and moaning and groaning. I've got plenty more material to shove in your face that you won't like. See, its called life experience and intellect which is a good combination to have along with common sense which is something that doesn't grow in most people from Kentucky. Which is why Kentuckians regularly make inane comments about things they know nothing about therefore which is why most people in other states look down on Kentucky morons that pollute their state with stupidity. Just like in Ohio how back in the 50s and 60s, derision was commonplace towards Kentuckians because they couldn't leave their trashy ways back then at home in Kentucky when they moved into a new area. Same goes for Northwest Indiana where I once lived and their dislike of Kentuckians that moved there to work in the steel mills. They weren't exactly welcomed with open arms by native residents of the Northwest Indiana area because people in those areas knew the type of mental baggage and trash that they would be dealing with. 

Beating morons like yourself down is so easy because you don't have the intellect to refute anything that I said about Kentucky. Much less have the intelligence or gonads between your legs to deal with it. Other than making threats or sending me some sort of stupid babbling commentary that is lower on the intellectual scale that what would be expressed by a Congolese monkey. In fact, the Congolese monkey from Central Africa would be much more intelligent considering its limited ability to communicate and speak in human language but still knows how to provide for itself and live off the land. 

Oh and I would never kill myself because one thing I thoroughly enjoy is infuriating losers like yourself that are too stupid to get the point. Just knowing that you are going to work yourself in a tizzy fit over my postings gives me great satisfaction.. Knowing that you can't do anything about my posts is even more gratifying because to know that it upsets you so much that you'll resort of being a total idiot and proving my point about Kentucky residents being largely mentally unbalanced and often ignorant of the world outside of their little domain. 

That's why Kentucky will never progress beyond being a third world shithole on the Ohio River with a third world mentality. To the point that you jackasses can only brag about your basketball programs as a state and not much else. Even shitholes like Mississippi have beaches, gambling casinos, and something to do. Kentucky has zilch outside of horse racing and basketball. That's your state claim to fame. 

So you can keep on keeping on with your campaign and worthless attempts at shutting me down. Because its going to be cake dealing with you. Considering that I can put up a post in just a couple of minutes and most posts five minutes or less. The great thing is that you've spent half your day obsessing about what I've posted and pissed away half your day trying to flag me. Shows about how smart you really are. Keep on keeping on though and maybe you'll finally burn out unless you're like many Kentuckians being mentally burned out to start with.

The great thing is that I just spent less than 30 minutes collecting my thoughts and take on life in Kentuckistan and its third world issues that most of the rest of the civilized world would attempt to fix. You'll spend the entire day gorging yourself on greasy fried chicken, Mountain Dew, and having meth teeth while pounding your keyboard with the latest witticism that your 80 IQ brain can come up with. I'm off to making this a productive and fun day while you're stuck in Kentucky proving that you're just another piece of Kentucky white trash.

Kentucky: Lousy Education and Lousy Outcomes Part One

Kentucky Idiots Kentucky and especially in the Louisville region brags about Kentucky and its upward mobility but the truth is that the schools in Louisville and surrounding areas are largely abysmal when looking at the district wide issues that exist in many of these school systems just in the Louisville region and not just Kentucky at large. 

Below is the 2016-2017 school rankings by district in the Commonwealth of Kentucky regarding the various school districts in the Louisville region. 

Louisville Jefferson County Public Schools                     122nd out of 159 school districts

Shelby County Public Schools (Shelbyville)                    133rd out of 159 school districts

Anchorage Indpendent (Louisville, KY)                           1st out of 159 school districts K-8th grade only

Oldham County Public Schools Lagrange, KY                17th out of 159 school districts

Meade County Public Schools Brandenburg, KY            44th out of 159 school districts

Spencer County Public Schools Taylorsville, KY            50th out of 159 school districts

Bullitt County Public Schools Shepherdsville, KY          75th out of 159 school districts

Nelson County Public Schools Bardstown, KY                93rd out of 159 school districts

Hardin County Public Schools Elizabethtown, KY          101st out of 159 school districts

So for our resident Louisville area scholars why are the East Louisville schools generally better off while the ones south of Louisville including Bullitt, Nelson, and Hardin with the exception of Shelby to the east and Jefferson being Louisville such crappy schools. Its not as if they haven't had decades to improve on their performance and Jefferson County is 2nd worst with the exception of Shelby County which is 133rd out of 159 school districts. 

Yet all the rage in Louisville and environs for years was to talk about how well they were doing and how Louisville was an up and coming city when in fact, the schools in Louisville in 2016 and 2017 fared worse than they did in 2010 when the JCPS was 118th out of 154 KY school systems.
Kentucky Idiots

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Louisville: Impossibility City (A Three Part Series)

Kentucky Idiots Since this post is in regard to Louisville, the largest city in the gasp Commonwealth of Kentucky (Trademarked By Kentucky) and most of the posters/readers here reside in the Louisville area this commentary will be exclusively about Louisville and it will be on the blog sites later today as well. 

Louisville, a city of a total population as of 2017 being 780,000 persons with non incorporated portions included in LouisVILE such as Anchorage, Shively and others reduces the actual size of the areas that Louisville proper controls to about 620,000 persons. 

Louisville has been a declining city for some time now in essence because of despite the boast of previous city officials, mayors, government leaders, business leaders and others. The facts are that Louisville should be termed Impossibility City due to the massive incompetence of its government officials, the business community, and the nepotistic culture that exists there. The good old boy system is alive and well in Louisville and probably in more senses than you would deal with in a smaller community which you can always escape by moving to a neighboring jurisdiction. 

Louisville breeds political and social incompetence including all of the governmental aspects of Louisville that help make it a truly lousy place to live with little in real cultural events, no professional sports despite being the 29th biggest city in the whole country, a declining infrastructure, crumbing roadways and streets and massive taxes to support a large percentage of bottom feeders. 

Louisville may not be as corrupt as the political machine that one finds in Chicago, New York and other locations throughout the country but Louisville is very corrupt and corrupt to the core no matter what the local government officials try to pass off as being genteel do good behavior. 

Louisville its a city in decline because of the corruption and nepotism that exists in the workplaces, government, police, various businesses and so much more. One might expect more of that in smaller towns and cities in the United States, but Louisville takes the cake in covering the asses of the incompetent in public office, private businesses and various civic endeavors. 

The recent scandals at the University of Louisville exposed the dark underbelly of the Louisville culture and its so called win at all costs mentality. Despite the fact that ultimately these decisions brought hard and disrepute onto the university and its officials and others. Meanwhile, instead of Louisville students and Louisville residents bucking up and taking responsibility for the cultural issues of the day including their own corruption and university malfeasance with taxpayers dollars, Louisville again is a circle the wagons town of 780,000 people where people act as if they live in Pikeville or Mayberry or Corbin rather than have some level of a larger city mentality with more amenities, events, cultural happenings, etc. 

The dark underbelly of Louisville is that Louisville tolerates and promotes more corruption than just about anywhere around outside of the political machines of the larger US metro areas especially when it comes to government corruption practices. All the while hiding behind the motto of Possibility City. As a Louisville resident of 5 years and also a Kentucky resident of 5 years with some limited interests left in the state, I can assure you that Louisville is more of an Impossibility City rather than one where people reach their full potential. 

That can be evidenced in the fact that Louisville has one of the largest homeless populations in the United States and definitely in this region. Which means that Louisville cannot create enough decent wage employment to keep people off the streets and people properly fully employed in various endeavors. Louisville also prides itself on its link to the transportation and shipping industries via Worldport and other endeavors near the Louisville International Airport aka Standiford Field which thinks its a large metro airport but it isn't barely international in any sense of the word. Just more name play than anything which Louisville is also good at and has been trying for years. 

Reminds me of the motto "Keep Louisville Weird" which was stolen from Austin, Texas about 10 years after Austin, Texas started using it. Louisville can't even create its own properly themed motto for the city and metro area without stealing it from a sister city in Texas that has far more appeal to people than dumpy Louisville. Louisville and its homeless problem is often traced to ministries that attract these people but the facts are that Louisville and its employers spit out their employees like a Kentucky good old boy spits out chewing tobacco. That's partially why there are hordes of homeless in the Louisville region along with the other issues of mental depression, drug abuse, and countless other issues the homeless face. This problem isn't exclusive to Louisville obviously but Louisville talks about taking care of their own and fails miserably at taking care of their own. Much less putting these people in some sort of recovery program where they can become full productive tax paying citizens. 

Louisville talks big but it delivers very little and has been doing so for at least a couple of generations if not back to the 1930s. Looking back at the history of Louisville back in the Industrial Age, Louisville at that time was an up and coming city with a lot of potential but it was quashed first by the special interests that wanted to keep Louisville on the small side that way they would have more political power. So over the years, Louisville declined economically from what it could have been and should have been. Meanwhile, other neighboring cities in the South and Midwest in a radius of a few hundred miles exploded economically and job creation wise. Louisville, thought it would remain a manufacturing center for generations to come until the economic restructuring of the late 1980s to now. In essence, what happened in Louisville is that it felt that it would remain economically viable for generations to come on basis of just manufacturing products. 

All the while the educational system in Jefferson County and other counties nearby in Kentucky was allowed to rot to the point that Bullitt County and Shelby and Spencer County Kentucky have been some of the worst counties for educational achievement because of the fact that people could be largely uneducated and illiterate and still get jobs in manufacturing. Job creation in other areas requires specialized skills, job training, apprenticeships, college, etc. Louisville has did such a poor job educating its residents over the decades is why the metro region is largely falling apart. Not race or demographics as there are intelligent Kentucky residents of all strata. The problem is that Kentucky has spent years being at the bottom of the barrel since at least 1939. 

At one time the Kentucky standard of living and economic output was higher to the point that it wasn't the 44th or worst ranked state for the last 78 years. However, the lack of education, lack of common sense, and no real goals kept Kentucky in the darkness that it still resides in to this day. Louisville embraced that tradition of not holding up educational standards and standards for conduct therefore it continued to slide downhill like its country cousins did in rural Kentucky. Meanwhile, society changed for the increase of technology and less dependence on manufacturing hard goods which in essence was shipped overseas to China, Mexico, South America, India, Vietnam, Korea, etc. Kentucky just simply dropped the ball and couldn't keep up with the pace of technological and educational change which is why it increasingly fell to the bottom of the states. 

Louisville, itself remains in many ways a post industrial nightmare city. Where blocks and rows of abandoned or underutilized commercial buildings are all along its streets in the main urban core of the city. When ones visits these haunts as I have did in the past, you won't find much commercial activity outside of having a security guard watching over the facility or the doors and the entrance padlocked or ringed with fencing or other security measures including cameras. 

Vast stretches of West Louisville from 9th to 46th street have all kinds of abandoned businesses that should be not allowed to rot and fail and instead revitalized by job creation therefore removing the poverty stricken areas from being troubled areas. However, the powers that be in Louisville like they long did with everything else, decided that instead of sharing political power with other areas of the city they would ignore the problems. This is including the majority African American West End of Louisville that has been largely black for the past 50 to 60 years. The politics and policies of redlining is the reason why the West End fell into massive decline as well as the 1950s and 1960s destruction of the black middle class in Louisville that owned businesses in areas such as Chestnut Street and had a thriving black business community. 

The city fathers of Louisville couldn't come to grips with the fact that black people threatened their hold on political power so just like other cities like Tulsa in the 1920s, they had to find ways to redline black residents and citizens into a racial ghetto to better control them. As well as increasing rents and destroying the small black owned businesses in the West End. Which ultimately led to the impoverishment of the black community in the West End. All the while, technological and manufacturing changes cut down on the number of people needed to work in the factories in Louisville and therefore factory employment which was 36 percent of the jobs in Jefferson County, Kentucky in 1980 is now about 10 percent in 2017. Continuing its decline in the prominence of the community as well with more factories leaving or boarding up their doors. 

All the while, Louisville bragged about the service economy that it supposedly was becoming though the fact is that these jobs are not high paying service and business related jobs but jobs flipping boxes at some sweatshop bringing in goods produced overseas and then shipped elsewhere. That's the Louisville economic model of the 2000 to present era. Gut the industrial base of the area and the manufacturing and technical knowledge and turn everyone into fast food workers, retail clerks, box flippers, and government employees. Including those who on Jefferson County time sit and watch and listen to basketball games while they should be doing their jobs. Or the fine people that worked at the vocational rehab office on Dixie Highway who were spending time reading magazines the entire afternoon with an office of several people and no one around to help. 

That's the Louisville way, enjoy mediocrity because that is what Possibility City is all about and that's the type of idiotic and lazy culture that exists in Louisville and most of Kentucky as well. That is why Louisville along with the rest of Kentucky has a lower standard of living because of the fact that mediocrity and stupidity is well tolerated and proudly accepted in Kentucky and Louisville in general. Despite all the boasts of Louisville and its community, the truth is that outside of the medical and legal industries and a few core businesses, Louisville is quite impoverished and will remain so for quite some time. Even to the point that Louisville residents often sleep in their cars prior to their shifts at the worldwide box flipping company in Louisville. 

It reminds me of a personal anecdote I recall from 2008 when I worked in Louisville watching a city cop from the city of Louisville guarding a facility I worked at after some random idiot called in threats. Instead of the police officer being aware of the gravity of the situation and watching around the facility for suspicious behavior and criminal intent, he was too busy reading the newspaper in the police car as I an other defense industry employees at that time left the plant. Despite the fact that various threats and criminal behavior had been made towards the facility and the people who worked there. That's the Louisville way to not do your job while pulling down a generous taxpayer funded check and benefits all the while not doing your job. 

There are countless other instances of Louisville incompetence that one could talk about in the next segment that will be upcoming. Just more reasons of why Louisville is Impossibility City.
Kentucky Idiots

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Kentuckians Hate The Truth About Their State

Kentucky Idiots The funny thing is that none of you mentally moronic sockpuppets actually had anything remotely intelligent to say over the past couple of months. What kind of person has the time and energy to do this? It's pretty easy and takes so little time out of my day to piss off you backwoods idiots and very, very soon the blog will be up talking about Kentucky and what a totally shitty state it truly is. 

The funny thing is that you and others have nothing to actually say with intelligence regarding to any of the points that I've made. Like the moronic way that you've dodged the relevant questions. Much less being able to dispute the cogent and cognizant points that I have made. Oh and far as time, I've got plenty of energy since I sleep about 6 hours a day and it only takes me 30-40 minutes at most to make one long well written post in a day. Plus the archives I already have and I even prepared a 10 minute video today with full audio. 

The thing about most of you Kentuckians is that most of you aren't simply very smart in the first place. When 450,000 people in your own state are functional illiterates then its easy to laugh about the fact that you're being paraded around as backwoods morons. 

Boys and girls and friends don't let friends act like Kentuckians. 

Oh and another thing is that when I have a retort to someone such as yourself, its actually with clear thinking that people like you despise. So its time for vocabulary class for our students in Kentucky and elsewhere since basic English is a skill that is taught in K-12 classes across the nation probably even in Kentucky. It's just that people like you don't have the basic intelligence to absorb the material that was taught. 

"Retort" means to "say something in answer to a remark or accusation, typically in a sharp, angry, or wittily incisive manner."

"Incisive" means "(of a person or mental process) intelligently analytical and clear-thinking."

So thank you very much for the backhanded compliment in your whining effort to denigrate my sanity. Too bad that like the little peon loser that you are you have to try so hard to attempt at being intelligent and failing miserably as usual. I'll keep my commentary short because I wouldn't want to make your mentally challenged brain explode. After all, the Central State Mental Hospital folks in Louisville have all they can handle with the generations of mental misfits and Kentuckians that act as if they've sniffing Krazy Glue, paint thinners, and all the while greasing their head with batter acid while eating lead paint chips off the old run down buildings in many Kentucky towns and cities. 

I'll even donate for your Hooked On Phonics course since the Commonwealth of Kentucky done such a third rate job in educating uneducated minstrels such as yourself. 

By the way, this post took me ten minutes at most but I might be slipping since a couple of days ago I could have done it in 5 minutes. 

Probably took you four hours to come up with the thoughts in your teeny tiny little brain
What kind of person has the time and energy to do this? Half the things are repost to people who seem to be a fragment of this persons imagination. I agree with the one person who said "don't respond". It's fuel for this persons insanity. Just had to get that off my chest. I'm sure I'll suffer some nasty retort from this nut. Not to worry though. I won't read it.
Kentucky Idiots

My Upcoming Trip Through Kentucky

Kentucky Idiots I'm looking forward to my next trip down through Kentucky doing camera work just to show what kind of moron infested cesspool that Kentucky is. Here in a few weeks, I'll take a nice stroll through Louisville with and camcorder in hand just to show what a toxic waste dump of a city that Louisville is and environs around there. Especially nice will be to film all of the trash on the streets and highway and byways around Louisville that the redneck hillbillies leave all over the city and region. 

In fact, its going to be grand dropping through on the way down to Nashville (for business and entertainment purposes) and to visit a couple of old haunts to exhibit what kind of a stinking turd that Kentucky really is overall. I'm sure I could find other places in the United States in big cities that have similar issues. What it is though that Kentucky looks like crap in so many places you would think that no one knows how to empty out their cars at gas stations nor do they know proper usage of getting rid of trash and junk.

The best part will be when these finally make it to YouTube. That will really get all the Kentucky morons up in arms. Just like how every year in the month before the so called horse race in Kentucky they have to clean up the streets around Louisville by having the local convicts and jailbirds clean up the streets and roadways in Louisville during late March and April before the first Saturday in May. It will look better for a week maybe two weeks and then the morons will go back to throwing out their trash along the roadways. Stay Classy Kentucky!!
Kentucky Idiots