Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Louisville, Kentucky and the Scam of Reformulated Gas and Vehicle Emissions Testing.......Brought To You By Louisville......Definitely Possibility City or Possum Billy City

Louisville has been selling reformulated gas for as long as I can remember at least back in the 1990s and possibly a few years before that into the 1980s due to supposed smog and pollution problems. One problem though was that reformulated gas was sold in Kentucky for many years while Indiana did not sell reformulated gas and it was usually 20 to 30 cents cheaper by driving down the expressway 5 miles into Indiana and then getting the non-reformulated gas. Suckers!

Just like when Lousyville had vehicle emissions testing back in the 1980s and an older friend went to have his old vehicle tested. The first time it wouldn't pass so he took it back later and it wouldn't pass a second time and the next time it didn't pass but the inspector on duty went ahead and gave him the inspection sticker and passed it anyway. That's the type of corrupt crap that Louisville, Kentucky has been doing for a couple of generations. Maybe this eventually will pass the Kentucky State Cadavers (Legislature) and actually become law to at least save the increasingly stressed and impoverished Louisville residents some money. Of course, the ultra liberal talking heads and government officials in Louisville will have their heads explode but they haven't been using their brains much over the years anyway.


Another Day In Kentucky......The Land of Villainy and Hypocrisy....all brought to you by the incompetentce of the Kentucky State Government and Louisville Metro

It's another day in Kentucky where standards are so low and virtually no one cares until someone important gets slapped over violating labor laws and various other things. Now if this is going on at one place in Louisville and one company that owns all of these businesses how many other labor and law violations are occurring at other businesses in the city of Louisville and Commonwealth of Kentucky?


Kentucky Sucks.......When It Comes to Public Corruption and Government Corruption......Might as Well Say that Louisville Sucks Too

Imagine this that Kentucky has the most corrupt government in the whole country. Just another indication that Louisville sucks and Kentucky sucks as well. 


Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Financially Broke City of Louisville and Commonwealth of Kentucky Part Two

Long having been a city ran by an incompetent government and business community Louisville, Kentucky has long been ran by incompetent yes men and bureaucrats. This type of quisling behavior has long been noted by those who aren't from the local political class and business community that talks a good game but delivers very little. Of course, that of which they can't steal from either the public treasury or their employees by skimming the little they get in decent pay and benefits from their increasingly smaller paychecks. Maybe that's why Louisville has one of the largest homeless populations in a city with only 770,000 people and a metro population of 1.2 million over several surrounding counties including Louisville Metro but also in Southern Indiana and Central Kentucky also called Kentuckiana.

The interesting thing is that Louisville is supposedly a crossroads of the lower Midwest and upper South but can't seem to get its act together and be able to get out of its own way. This can be noted in the fact that Louisville has a lot of things going for it including a large navigable river, one of the larger airports that could be used for increasing the level of shipping via air of which there is some done. Not to mention near the middle of the Eastern US with links to surrounding cities such as Cincinnati, Nashville, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Chicago, Columbus and many others within a days of driving distance of 12 hours.

Yet it remains a stagnant economic backwater in the Commonwealth of Kentucky which is a state that has long ranked at the bottom of the economic spectrum with ranking 47th in personal income, 47th in family income, 47th in median income, 47th in educational attainment, 43rd in quality of its universities, 41st or worst in K-12 education which it has ranked near the bottom of US states for decades. Even worse is that Kentucky schools are such cesspits of total incompetence that only about 44 percent of high school students in 2018-2019 were proficient or better in high school level reading. Mathematics and science scores are even worse with scores respectively about 40 percent and 36 percent in each category. That's the extent that Kentucky schools have been mismanaged for years along with a state government which has been mismanaged to the extent that its considered the worst ran state government in the entire United States by Governing Magazine.

Even worse is that Kentucky despite billions in revenues over the past decade has been unable to manage its state finances to the point that it has the 3rd worst state pension problem in the United States with a shortfall of 37 billion in 2018 dollars. Considering at that time being only better than California and Illinois who have worse pension problems but also state populations 8 times that of Kentucky in the case of California and 2.5 times that for Illinois. Here's a nice article that discusses this.


Interesting that Kentucky continues to kick the can down the road while the common people suffer from lack of investment, horrid educational outcomes, a third world infrastructure that is billions overdue on basic investment just to get the road infrastructure graded at an C level by the various engineering societies that grade roads in every state. Despite this, Kentucky just partnered with the neighboring state of Indiana on a 4 billion dollar project to build two new bridges over the Ohio River in Louisville that is relying on tolling existing interstate crossings to pay because Kentucky is so fiscally busted that it cannot afford to pay for it out of existing revenue.

Even worse is that Kentucky's roadways and bridges were ranked at a D level in most of the past several years having received a C- for the year 2019. Here are a couple of articles that discuss this problem of how Kentucky has basically let its infrastructure go to pot so to speak.


Of course in Kentucky, priorities are seriously skewed when cities such as Louisville received a brand spanking new basketball arena in 2010 that has never been able to pay for itself out of the TIF financing bonds that were issued and paid for by TIF tax dollars of the Louisville downtown restaurant and bar district. Interestingly though that Louisville between 2010 and 2020 was scheduled to only pay the 15-17 million dollar a year payments just on the interest yet the arena authority and the TIF district fell way below these projections.

Even worse is that the city of Louisville for most of the decade had to pay to keep the arena and the Louisville Arena Authority district financially solvent by the tune of the city first starting payments of 7 million a year which later increased to over 10 million dollars a year over 30 years for whopping total of 300 million dollars. Of which the city of Louisville doesn't even have the money to fix its city employees pension problems as well as fixing city streets and infrastructure. Here's another article about the burgeoning debt of Louisville and its Arena Authority. Of course as usual Louisville strikes out again. These following articles show just about how smart the current and past leaders of Louisville Metro are and how none of the so-called Metro Council political butt kissers do nothing about it.



I might also add that Lexington also spent a great deal of money on renovating the 44 year old Rupp Arena over the past several years in order to give it a new look and makeover at a time when the government in Kentucky couldn't pay their debt obligations and started to look for new taxes and fees with which to soak the citizenry. Nothing says priorities more than having two top twenty basketball programs in Kentucky while only 44 percent of students can read at grade level and 1 out of 10 adults have no teeth and have lost all of them due to lack of dental hygiene and poverty. Only in Kentucky could you be so incompetent in a supposedly first world nation.

Meanwhile, Kentucky's politicians of both parties have proven to be such losers that they cannot even stem the tide of the state losing money and becoming increasingly a poverty stricken economic basketcase with limited opportunities for its citizens that they have to increasingly go to other states in order to work and live. Meanwhile the population of Kentucky still increases with now about 20 percent of the state being functionally illiterate at a time of widespread literacy and 90 percent high school graduation rates. Of course, we know that many people pass through school due to social promotion and authorities just having to cover their rear ends to justify keeping their jobs and glossing over those left behind.

Of course, the 120 fiefdoms that consist of the 120 counties of Kentucky have a large number of incompetent and often stupid public officials that shouldn't even be in government to begin with and only get in due to name recognition and family ties. Here's looking at you in making Kentucky and even shittier place to live than it already has been for several decades. Its a good thing that Kentucky residents don't travel a whole lot outside of their little bubble in most rural areas because if they actually got out and experienced much of the United States other than the South they would realize how badly they've been getting screwed over the years.
Kentucky Idiots

Imagine.......The Financially Challenged City of Louisville, Kentucky is Financially Busted Again

After decades of financial mismanagement Louisville, Kentucky is showing up again with its hand stretched out being the incompetence based city that it has been for many years. Of course with its hand stretched out trying to squeeze the last nickel out of the pockets of the taxpayers in a city that is the 4th highest taxed city in the US. Don't believe me......it's right there in the type in the articles listed below. Of course, since its Louisville and only about 35 percent of the recent high school students can read at their grade level tested and then graduate from the system that produces more illiterates I shouldn't expect much out of the Louisville schools or society.



This time it is going to have a serious effect on city services and the competence or must I say incompetence of city government is astounding that they have known for years that the city is on precarious financial straits even though the national economy is relatively strong and unemployment is low. It just shows the type of incompetent government that exists in Louisville, Kentucky and overall the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Not to mention that Louisville regularly ranks among its regional cities as being less than favorable when it comes to people making living wages and having quality jobs and incomes.

In fact, Louisville, Kentucky in a recent year ranked 18th out of 20 peer cities in the Midwestern and Southern United States when it came to various factors in the socioeconomic realm including personal income, family income, median income, quality of jobs, educational opportunities, educational achievement and much more. Behind regional cities such as Nashville, TN, Cincinnati, OH, Columbus, OH, Indianapolis, IN, Charlotte, NC, Kansas City and countless others. Even including the crime stricken community of St. Louis, MO which despite its crime problems in the North City and North County still came out far ahead of Louisville, Kentucky when it came to economic growth, unemployment and various income based statistics as well as educational achievement.

It's a quite pathetic indictment when a city like Louisville ranks far behind all of these other cities when it comes to job creation, economic growth and overall incomes. Then again, its the Louisville mentality and the mentality of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to be at the bottom of the barrel and refuse to do the work necessary to improve by attaining improved education, financial management and improving job quality and overall economic indicators. Louisville has long been a city that sits on its laurels and makes excuses from its business community and so called civic leadership.

After decades of making these excuses and continually allowing the infrastructure and quality of life in Louisville and surrounding areas to deteriorate, one would think that Louisville would have a major wake-up call and start addressing these things. Then again, its more of the Louisville mentality and things that wouldn't be allowed to fester elsewhere totally get ignored by the ignoramuses on the Louisville Metro Council and Louisville Metro Mayor's Office.

Now the police are starting to figure out what a mess that Louisville Metro financials are and with the morale problems by local government allying itself with more criminal elements of society and refusing to allow police to do their job the crime issues are starting to spiral upward while the crime issues such as murders and violent crimes and all other forms of criminal activity are being tolerated.

Increasingly, the Louisville Metro Police Department and its officers are having their hands tied by the Louisville Metro Government and Louisville Metro Council as well as the local right to know media and Metro Mayor Greg Fischer and his handpicked "yes man" Steve Conrad and his lieutenants padding their pensions while doing nothing about fixing Louisville's crime issues.

So accordingly the police are moving off to other jurisdictions either within Louisville/Jefferson County such as Anchorage or surrounding police departments in other counties near Louisville if not other states. All because the pay and working conditions is better in other locations than financially strapped Louisville. More on this in part Two.....Louisville is basically broke again.
Kentucky Idiots

Monday, January 13, 2020

Reply To Another Kentucky Bully That Think's He's Going to Shut Me Down Part Number 3

By the way, since you think I'm so angry well you can think what ever you want because I'm living rent free in your head.

Let's continue.....

Kentucky schools and Louisville schools just about mirror each other when it comes to overall performance issues. For example, Kentucky ranks anywhere from 41st to 47th just about every year when it comes to the quality of Kentucky schools (or as the uneducated hilljacks of Kentucky spell sometimes SKOOLS) as they must have been thinking about Skoal.

Even more laughable is that the JCPS is now in the bottom 15 percent of the schools in Kentucky at 138th out of 159 while about a decade ago it was 118th out of 154 KY School systems. In 2017, it was 127th out of 158 but that's the type of mental morons going through the Louisville school systems and the JCPS.

Even better is that only about 54 percent of the JCPS students can actually perform at English composition and literature at a 12th grade level in the 2017-2018 school year. Now in 2018-2019 only 37.2 percent of the JCPS students were able to be proficient or distinguished in reading. Of course, the article didn't mention writing skills in this case. Which is probably about 40 to 50 percent can actually write at a 12th grade level.

Which means that if they get accepted into college or some higher education, they'll have to take all kinds of remedial classes to pursue further education and its not guaranteed the Bubba youth of Kentucky can successfully navigate basic English skills. Guess that reading, writing and arithmetic isn't so important in Kentucky school relying on social promotion and passing along the future and present morons into the system.

Even funnier is that our country cousins from Kentuckistan finish even worse when it comes to math education and overall math skills. Obviously Jebediah and the Bubbas didn't do much counting growing up and counting your fingers and toes doesn't really count. Only 30.5 percent of the JCPS high school students were proficient at math as well as only 37.2 percent reading. That means between 63 and 69 percent of the student attending JCPS school aren't proficient at one or another even after 10 plus years of education and perhaps as many as 12 years of primary school plus kindergarten.

Even better is that regularly Kentucky students and JCPS students finish at about 36 percent when understanding science. How's that for you yokels? So basically you're paying for kids to go to school from age 5 or 6 until 18 or 20 whenever they flunk out enough times they get passed out of the system. That's the Kentucky schools for you and JCPS is right there along with the biggest losers when it comes to education.

Even in Kentucky overall only 44.5 percent of the high school students were proficient at reading and 35.3 percent were proficient at math. How's that working out for you in the 47th ranked state in the country and either 47th to 50th in just about every socioeconomic category? That's Kentucky style education where the people can barely count using their fingers and toes and then wondering why they're still one of the poorest 3 or 4 states in the entire country.

Even more embarrassing is that Kentucky doesn't value education even though the state government in the Commonwealth of Kentucky 30 years ago passed the Kentucky Education Reform Act and they've had 30 years to show how much of a failure they really have been over 3 decades. Very good show Kentucky, you can start your own Hee Haw version of Kentucky Life.

Looks like the Kentucky educational system failed again and maybe that's why dumb Kentuckians are increasingly the rule not the exception.

So you can think about that one and chew on it for a while since you think I'm supposedly the unhealthy one when your own students are largely dolts and morons and every family graduates at least a couple of them over the years.

Now if its with the Kentucky mentality rather than fix the problems and produce smarter people you'll sit on your asses and bitch and moan that someone is calling out your state showing you what a human trash pit it really is. Just remember don't burn down your trailer parks because they don't pass out federal aid for arson cases and they don't allow insurance claims for people that commit arson for their hovels.

Kentucky Idiots

Reply To Another Kentucky Bully That Thinks He's Going to Shut Me Down Part 2

Since I'm at it, I can discuss some more about the sordid city of Louisville and the sordid culture as well as city government that exists in that place. A city that it takes over a decade and they still can't synchronize their traffic lights even though Louisville Metro took over the duties from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet in 2009. A city that has problems maintaining its roadways by properly paving them and fixing potholes and rough patches even though it took over the duties again on state numbered roads in Louisville Metro back in 2009.

A city that has 4.2 billion dollars in debt ran up by the Louisville Metro Sewer District over the past couple of decades that it has to constantly raise rates on its customers while it mismanages money and awards contracts to people in less than favorable terms for the taxpayers, ratepayers and the city at large. Even funnier is that Loserville Metro Sewer District hasn't even the money to fix the existing infrastructure for flood control without asking the federal government or issuing more debt to keep the city from flooding. In order to get the existing flood control system into decent shape, it was stated 2018 and 2019 that it would take another huge loan in order to try to fix all of the pumping stations and deficiencies in the current system. Guess you better get your rubber duckies ready to float down the river?

In fact, the system is so dire that if you read the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports for Loserville MSD and Louisville Metro you would find that the city is running short in a lot of areas including city finances because of the malfeasance and criminality of Louisville Metro Government over the years including all of the lawsuits that the LMPD had to settle over the years because of police brutality, police repression and criminality in their ranks. Not to mention various lawsuits that the city of Louisville had to settle with their own employees because of various violations of employment law, firefighter overtime pay, sexual discrimination and nepotistic hiring practices. Obviously the people of Louisville don't pay much attention or have the attention span of 8 seconds which is why there are so many automobile accidents in Louisville, Kentucky on a daily basis.

Let's add in the fact that Louisvlle has probably the worst drivers I have ever seen and I've been to over 40 states now. People that aren't smart enough to merge on the interstate on ramps much less learn proper signaling and lane changes. Is that why the cars in Louisville look like they've been playing expressway pinball? Add in the fact that Louisville car insurance is just about higher than anywhere else around the Midwest and Upper South. In fact, my premiums dropped several hundred bucks in one year when I left Louisville which was a smart move on my part. Even better is watching Louisville drivers try to use turn signals and understand how traffic signals work along with proper lane changing. I'm surprised that most of the provincials and Bubbas don't live in Mayberry.

Even more funny is how the provincials and hicks of Louisville don't really know much about their community other than the little area in which they live like say Bon Air or the Highland or Middletown. They can't be bothered with getting out of their little element of an area and actually seeing how other people live and educate their kids and interact with the rest of society. It's like they're still living in some hollow in Appalachia and scared to go to the other side of the mountain to see what is over there.

Maybe that explains why Louisville residents don't travel much and especially Kentuckians at large don't travel much. Otherwise, they would see what a backwards and largely wretched place in which they live and then accordingly start educating themselves by reading books, watching documentaries and learning these stubborn things called facts. Then again, its going to be hard when a state ranks 47th in educational attainment and usually between 43rd and 45th in college quality. Not to mention that 40 percent of the Kentucky population has low literacy levels that are an impediment to further educational progress. In other words, Kentuckians are pretty dumb overall. While I am at it, I might also mention that Kentucky generally over the past 30 years since KERA has ranked between 42nd to 46th in overall K to 12 education and finally got this last year to 38th which is still 15 to 20 places below most of its neighbors.

The best part though regarding education in Louisville is saved for the last though. The Louisville Jefferson County Public Schools ranked last year as 138th out of 159 Kentucky school systems and its the 12th straight year that its been in the bottom 25 percent of all Kentucky schools let's see that would be the bottom 15 percent in the case of the JCPS currently in 2019-2020. That's some heavy duty failure there.

Kentucky Idiots

Reply To Another Kentucky Bully That Thinks He's Got the Power To Shut Me Down

Poor guy trying your bully boy act complaining about me stating what I think. Guess what......too bad so now if you don't like it then by all means you can call your mama. By the way, I'll continue posting here whether you like it or not. So I'll continue calling out the trash mentality state that Kentucky is and has been for quite a while.

Your problem is that you don't like what I am saying and obviously you're not intelligent enough to take it however and then run along to your other activities. Too bad. I'll continue calling out the crooks, crooked politicians, slumlords and others in Louisville and Kentucky that screw decent people living their lives

I perfectly understand the meaning of free speech and I'll continue to say what I feel like saying whether you like it or not, I'll guess you'll have to get over it and moan about it from your practice during work hours or you'll have to go back to Dumpster City and have a conniption.

You find me obnoxious...great..good and here's the kicker for you tough crap. I think I'll stay here a while and keep putting out more of the truth about Louisville that the good old boy network and butt kissers don't like.

As far as unhealthy, strange, that you would comment about unhealthy because you live in one of the unhealthiest states in the country that ranks 1st in the country in percentage of depression issues, a state that ranks 1st or 2nd nearly every year in cancer deaths per capita, near the top in diabetes cases, near the top in heart attacks, etc. When I look at half of the people in Kentucky I almost want to pity them rather than call out the issues because many Kentuckians look like they are one step from kicking the bucket.

Not to mention for most people the lower quality of life they have in the Commonwealth of Kentucky versus most other states especially in the North, Northeast, East and West even in some southern metro areas.

Even more laughable is that the Commonwealth of Kentucky ranks 47th in educational attainment along with being 41st in the quality of their universities. Imagine, a state with two top 20 basketball programs being just about the only thing they can crow about while they don't have any universities ranked in the top 100 anytime in the last 10 to 15 years in US News and World Report or any other objective publication that ranks universities. U of L did make it to 98th one year in the quality of the Brandeis School of Law but that's just about it. Not even the esteemed Speed School at U of L ranked in the top 100 engineering programs in the United States. That's a quite damning indictment of the Kentucky university system that between University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, Murray State, WKU, EKU, Morehead and others that NONE of the Kentucky universities rank in the top 100 out of US universities. Obviously, U of L isn't all that great to start with.

However, if you do a little bit of research you'll find that Indiana, Illinois and Ohio all had at least one or more top notch university system such as Purdue, Indiana, Notre Dame, University of Chicago, probably Ohio State and countless others. Not one though in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. But you're got two top 20 basketball programs even though they've both been under probation including Hooker University at Belknap who lost their title of 2013 and the University of Kentucky, the second most penalized program in NCAA history. That's Kentucky pride for you and the rest of the denizens of Kentucky.

Since I'm at it and knowing how much it ticks Kentuckians off let's talk about Kentucky being the 2nd most corrupt state after Illinois when it comes to public officials being convicted and doing jail time. Or a state that can't pay for its pension program for teachers and public employees because its fiscally broke to the point that it has to spend 1 billion dollars just to get roads and bridges in a state up to a C level. Sounds like Kentucky has fiscal problems and major cash flow problems caused by the fact that it has had a lackluster economy for decades which is why we find plenty of cars with Kentucky plates far into Indiana and other states because they have to leave Kentucky for jobs elsewhere.

Let's add in the fact that Kentucky has a huge population of functional illiterates in Kentucky as much as 20 percent of the population. In a state with 4.5 million people that means that 900,000 Kentuckians at most are functionally illiterate. Isn't that a shame? Stuck in poverty level jobs if they can get one or ended up on government welfare projects that do nothing but perpetuate the same cycle for generations and nothing ever gets done about it in Kensucky.

Does that explain why Kentucky ranks 47th in personal per capita income (per person for you Davey) and 47th in median family income meaning that half of Kentucky families make below the state median income and half above. Or the fact that Kentucky also ranks 47th in household income

Kentucky Idiots

Dixie Highway and Incompetence of Louisville Leaders

Welcome to Louisville where incompetent government leaders love to waste money and do stupid things that end up costing more money. Dixie Highway has been a mess for 25 plus years and they didn't really do anything other than beautified it a little bit. Of course, its not going to change the fact that Shively, PRP and Valley all have a crime rate that is 3-5 times that of most of the rest of the Louisville Metro depending on the area. I lived there earlier this last decade and it was a mess then and its a mess now and frankly its like putting lipstick on a pig.

Louisville government and largely Louisville society is like someone going to a bonfire and trying to urinate on it in order to get it put out. Half measures, government bureaucracy, poor planning, engineering snafus and lack of ability to have a vision or at least some strategic plan.

They want to make Dixie like Hurstbourne or another Shelbyville Road? Good luck on that because that's one of many things that have screwed up both stretches of those highways is over-development and lack of planning and thinking ahead. Back years ago, they put two malls on Shelbyville Road in the the mid to late 1960s and never envisioned that it would explode into the traffic fustercluck that it is now and Hurstbourne is the same way. Now in either one of those areas, you get to deal with Louisville's famously incompetent traffic management systems and get to sit at lights that aren't properly synchronized and haven't been since they were taken over in 2009.

Another Billy Bob mentality thing that Louisville did was to have the city of Louisville which was the old city area or properly called now Louisville Metro take over traffic management and road repairs and construction. Much that used to be under the purview of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet under the state government. Instead, the city of LouBilly decided to take it all over on all of the State numbered routes of Louisville which comprise a great deal of roadways, highways, byways and 4 lane roads like Preston, Greenbelt, Dixie, Hurstbourne, Shelbyville etc...etc..etc.

They didn't have the quality of people and quality of the system in order to manage hundreds of miles of state highways in Louisville and that was done during the Jerry Abramson regime. Just like Louisville residents conveniently forget that the stop lights all over the city were supposed to be synchronized way back in 2009 when I was living in the city. Oops, they blew it again because after this many years the lights are still a mess and traffic control in Louisville is basically incompetent. Same goes with the condition of the roads and highways in much of the city. Looking as if bomb craters were all over the place. It reminds me when our son was born in 2010 going home from the hospital in downtown Louisville only to be jarred awake at 5 am hitting multiple potholes in the streets. It really hasn't changed all that much other than the city promising to fix various problems that never get fixed.

In fact, when I moved out of state I ended up getting a bunch of suspension work and alignments done to my main vehicle and then buying something cheap to go to Louisville in. That way I wasn't having to spend countless money on fixing stuff because of the poor shape of the roads in Louisville and in Kentucky.

Dixie Dieway is just another victim of the Louisville mentality where thinking small is praised and anyone that questions your worldview because they've got more experience or better knowledge base is to be avoided. Same goes for criticizing local SO CALLED leaders in Business or Government because if you want to get anywhere in Louisville its more about who you know or who you are chummy with than what you know. I've seen it over a 20 plus year career and most places there is always some of that but in Louisville all you have to do is breathe and be incompetent and they'll make you upper management and the same works for city government in Louisville.

One more thing, you can thank the people that made Frankfort Avenue and other Louisville thoroughfares under road diets for this current state of affairs. See back several years ago the morons in city government got this idea that if they made the streets more narrow and constricted traffic that it would slow down people and make it more safe. Even though these people had to slow down it causes more congestion because the more areas that have this problem will be avoided by more people.

The same philosophy is what they did by putting in bike lanes in Louisville. They put in the bike lanes which constricted the roadways by making them more narrow and of course less safe all in the name of riding bicycles around in a city where fewer people by far are riding some two wheel bicycle in 90 degree heat to their office job or something they have to look respectable for. They think that by doing this they'll seem progressive and thoughtful instead of making everything a fustercluck and then leaving the mess for intelligent people to fix someday. Louisville thinks that its Portland or some liberal West Coast city with daily temperatures in the 60s to 80s when its a Eastern valley city with high humidity rivaling the Deep South and 90 plus degree temperatures that often last from May until sometime in September or maybe even October.

That's Greg Fischers Louisville though. I can just see the huge poster with his face on it prominently hung from a Lousyville building with that jack bump protruding from his upper lip area. Greg Fischer's Louisville. Something everyone can get behind in the truest sense and be proud of. If you believe that then I've got swampland in the middle of Las Vegas for you as well.

Kentucky Idiots

Louisville NIMBY Mentality Along With Provincialism and Tribalism

Louisville suffers from the NIMBY mentality and has for years whether its the inconsequential overpriced area that Hurstbourne truly is or even in the Highlands and other areas around the city. That's why smart businesses don't waste their time on a fifth rate city like Louisville in a 4th rate state that is about 20 years behind the rest of the United States in economic development, job creation and common sense.
Louisville is a city that is living on its past rather than reinventing itself for the future and that's why no one outside of the Louisville area actually takes it seriously because people in the know realize that Louisville is severely backwards. Same with the local economy and job market in Louisville. Same with the fact that Louisville incomes and pay are 20 to 25 percent lower than the national average for the so called privilege of living in the ghetto known as Jefferson County.

Louisville suffers from the low mentality attitude that because we're Louisville you must kiss our feet and praise us for being a so called progressive city when cities the same size as the Louisville Metro area like Indianapolis, Nashville, KC, Charlotte and others have blown by and passed up Louisville not over just the past decade but the last couple of decades.

It won't get any better either when you have an education system in the JCPS producing high school graduates that after 13 years of school K-12 can only read at 54 percent of a 12th grade level of proficiency. Not to mention the 8th grade math and science scores are only about 36-38 percent which is why Louisville and largely Kentucky is doomed to a future of being a place of low wage jobs and less economic creation.

Hopefully Topgolf and a lot of other businesses will begin to see what an economic and educational cesspool that Louisville is and start pulling their operations out of the city and state and start looking at other locations north and south where they don't have to deal with a bunch of old geezers that think that their city should be living back in the sixties. In Louisville its questionable whether that is the 1860s or 1960s with the type of backwoods mentality that exists in the so called as of a few years ago 16th largest city. Which was nothing more than a ruse because Louisville hasn't been a top city for almost a century as other Southern cities passed it up a long time ago.

That's why other cities have long ago passed up Louisville when it comes to economic creation, job creation, educational issues and socioeconomic qualities of life standards. All you have to do is put some gas in your buggy and leave Louisville for a couple of weeks or even bother to live elsewhere than the Possum Billy City aka Possibility City and see for yourself. Much less bother to read and learn something other than basketball or getting drunk on Saturday night.

Way to go Louisville, you're increasingly becoming irrelevant and the Detroit of the Ohio Valley or maybe even the New Orleans of the area without the cultural charms and history that at least New Orleans exhibits.

Kentucky Idiots