Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Governor Screw Job

How you shouldn't question Matt Bevin or better yet he should be called Governor Beavis after the Beavis and Butthead character so prominent about 25 years ago. Perhaps even more apropo would be that he's actually Governor Butthead because he's proven that during his short time in office of just a couple of years that he's not the least bit interested in coming to common ground to figure out solutions to problems. Yet, he's just another corporatist shill voted in by the increasingly foolhardy electorate that is desperate for solutions to common problems yet vote in people that will end up torching what needs to be fixed with a flawed system. The Democratic Party of Kentucky has had decades to start to clean up the mess in Kentucky but they refused to do their constitutionally mandated job so instead the desperate electorate voted Bevin because at least he promised them solutions to all their problems. Including the inane and insane idea that government is the problem and never does anything right. However, Beavis Butthead drags down some extra cash (from government) like all these hypocrites while complaining about the government. If he was really interested he would forsake his gubernatorial salary and try to come up with common sense solutions to Kentucky and its problem. Instead, he's proven to be the hands and under the control of the multinational corporations including that of Braidy Industries of which he and his cabinet cannot name investors in that firm building a steel plant in Eastern Kentucky.

Now he's going to end up gutting the public pension program which is something that taxpayers and government employees have been participating it for many years in return for having some semblance of a secure retirement. All the while corporate employers have largely gutted the corporate pension programs in favor of employee paid in 401k retirement programs without contributing to the program and passing on giving their employees any of the money. Which saves the corporation money of course unless they give money as a matching contribution.

You can guarantee that Beavis Butthead will figure out a way to say that having a pension system is too expensive to the people of a state that is already desperately poor in so many areas and regularly ranks towards the bottom of the statistics in personal income and family income. Socialize the losses and privatize the profits which is nothing more than the Republican motto all the while telling the people that you are working for them. Not that the Democrats are any better but people seeking solutions often have desperate ideas for matters that end up making them more desperate in the long run.


Kentucky Idiots

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