Tuesday, October 31, 2017

More of Privatizing the Profits and Socializing the Losses

Republicans always talk about being fiscally conservative and against big government spending but only that big government spending that doesn't apply to them. They are against food stamps and Medicaid/Medicare all the while being for farm subsidies for Congressmen and Congresswoman like Joni Ernst and former Rep. Michelle Bachman. When it comes to corporate tax breaks or incentives for big business they would never think of screwing over old people on pensions or Social Security or the disabled. Look at their war on working class and middle class people for the better part of 35 years with the fallacy of Trickle Down Economics proposed by Ronald Reagan and then carried on through their supply side lackeys in Congress and government over the last 35 years.

Not to mention their war on the environment and the Nixonian War on Drugs which has been a colossal and massive failure along with the massive increase of incarceration costs and incarcerations over the years of minor drug offenders who only were caught with a joint but helps out the prison for profit system that they have openly set up and happily embraced with open arms.

With all the blather about out of control government spending it might be added that the national debt tripled under Ronald Reagan and then doubled again under George W Bush. Even George HW Bush added 1.4 trillion onto the debt from 1989 until January 1993. Reagan took the debt from 1 trillion in 1981 to 2.9 trillion in 1989. Little George W increased the debt from 5.7 trillion to 10.7 trillion by the end of his term. All the while the Congressional Republicans and their supporters have consistently blamed Democrats for the spending issues of 2008 to 2017. Which is laughable because the party of smaller and more lean government controlled the Congress from 2011 until present and in 2011 the national debt was 14 trillion dollars on January 1, 2011 when the Republicans took over Congress and the House of Represntatives that makes all spending bills and where they originate in the Congress.

At this current date despite having a Republican controlled House of Representatives since January 1, 2011, the US National debt has increased from 14 trillion dollars to 20.45 trilliion dollars on October 31, 2017. That's a 6 trillion dollar increase is 6.75 years which comes out to about a trillion dollars a year debt that the US is running up. All the while the so called fiscal conservatives talk about being conservative yet spending a trillion dollars a year more than the government takes in for revenue.

They're no different than the Democrats that want to tax and spend everything into oblivion so you talk about draining the swamp but its a big lie you are being told. Even during the reign of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid from 2007 to 2011 the debt was raised approximately 1 trillion a year during that period. No difference between either of these political parties when it comes to government spending and waste. To look and think otherwise to blind oneself to a massive fallacy and living a lie.

Kentucky Idiots

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