Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Low Wages: A Real Problem in Louisville as well as rural Kentucky

Kentucky Idiots Louisville has been a low wage city compared to many other surrounding metro areas for decades and often even in more specialized trades and professional fields, the wage in Louisvlle are 15 to 20 percent lower than other neighboring cities such as Indianapolis, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Columbus, etc Even compared nationwide with the cost of living being much different in other cities versus Louisville is that Louisville ranks towards the bottom with regard to social mobility and wage increases. In other words, Louisvlle employers do everything they can to keep the wages down. Evidence of this involves all of the box flipping jobs and low wage factories in places like Jefferson Riverport, Bluegrass Industrial Park, and other well known industrial and distribution warehouses in the Louisvlle region. But that's not all and Louisville is well known for sticking it to anyone who actually works for a living. Which ends up hurting the local economy in Louisville through decreased spending power and people not being able to participate fully in the economic life of the city. Poor and impoverished people rarely are buying good housing, new cars, and new products and services rather spending it just to survive and stay afloat.

With people like Greg Fischer and the spineless and gutless Metro Council running things I can say good luck for the Jobs With Justice folks because they're going to need all the resistance and help they can get. Louisville prides itself a Compassionate City under Greg Fischer who locally coined the term from what I can best gather but he's totally full of malarkey since I decided to keep it clean and family oriented. In other words, Greg Fischer is more full of it than the cattle and livestock barns are at the Kentucky State Fair in August.

Louisville could give a care less about having decent wages and jobs for its citizens. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a city ran by a myraid of low wage jerkwater employers as well as the temp services paying employees 30 to 40 percent less than their counterparts in other cities in decent paying jobs. Louisville talks the talk but it refuses to walk the walk. Which is why countless untold hundreds if not thousands of homeless are wandering Louisville streets and sleeping under the bridges and underpasses of the city. All while the nonsensical garbage is being espoused that Louisville takes care of its own. What a total laugher from the Possiblity City and the Compassionate City. A total joke. Louisville is like a joke wrapped in a farce and that's what their two mottos of being compassionate and a Possiblity City is all about.

Kentucky Idiots

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