Monday, October 30, 2017

Kentucky: Third World in the United States

Kentucky Idiots
Think about it.......what two or three states are always at the bottom of the pile when it comes to education, incomes, socioeconomic factors, etc. They are always Kentucky being 48th, West Virginia being 49th and Mississippi being 50th. This is the case almost always over the years. Kentucky has been 44th or worse in state income rankings since 1939 in every year. That's a 75 year record of failure. Kentucky is last in the nation in so many areas. The worst state for child abuse, the worst state for elderly abuse, the worst state for animal abuse. Not to mention the school systems and educational system in all of Kentucky is so shitty that the state ranks 47th in percentage of population with some level of college or even a degree. This has been the case for years.

I've lived in several different locations in this country including Kentucky and have never seen so many trashy white people in my entire life. Had the total misfortune of living in Kentucky for about 4 years tied to a job that I hated and a state I definitely learned to severely dislike. Stupid is as stupid does in Kentucky, the armpit of the Ohio Valley region for sure.

When you look at states like Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, South Carolina, etc you always notice that all of those state contributes to their poor rankings in education, incomes, etc.  So what is the problem? Generations of increasingly stupid people with no education or common sense who keep breeding more morons and a state government that hands out welfare checks like they are going out of style. Kentucky also gets more federal funding by far than it sends in to the IRS and Treasury Department in taxes. In fact, Kentucky gets 1.51 back for every dollar it sends into the federal government. So now you know why Kentucky is one of the worst states in America and why these white trash hilljacks keep bitching about getting caught for breaking the law. Total lunacy and morons.

Kentucky Idiots
Kentucky Idiots

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