Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Partial Explanation Why Public Universities and Institutions Are Morally Bankrupt

At a time when the US economy isn't exactly booming along despite the job gains along with low wages, university and college students are having difficulties paying their student loans and their other obligations to the point that many of them either have stopped paying and are in default. All the while public institutions like the University of Louisville are lavishly paying out huge salaries to athletic directors, provosts, university presidents (see former U of L honcho James Ramsey) along with their executive staffs. Meanwhile most college students are surviving on very little or nothing while the fat cats at universities like U of L are raking in the big bucks while their lower level staff gets insurance cuts and hiring freezes. All the while the athletic program masquerading as a university ranks in the 150s and 160s as a university in the US News and World Report as it has regularly ranked over the past several years. U of L despite is admission to the Atlantic Coast Conference has been regularly ranked in the 160s and 170s as recently as 176th in 2013, 161 in 2014, 161 for 2015, 168 in 2016, 171st for 2017 and the ranking for 2018 is 165th of which it tied another university.

Yet the hucksters at the Belknap campus seem to always be touting their excellent educational record as such and that we should all drink the Kool Aid along with them. At a university that despite its athletic prestige on the wane talks about its educational progress when for years its been nothing more than a laughingstock where the university board gave free rein to a coterie of crooks and criminals who were padding their pockets with their ill gotten gains. As well as padding the pockets of the accomplices in criminality that are so evident in the college hallways these days. One should start to take note of organized criminality as such when kids are graduating college with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt and getting an average starting salary of 30 to 45k a year while the university head honchos are getting 350k, 700k, and getting money on top that from a university foundation.

It boggles the mind that such public corruption takes place but its clear that the people who are bankrupting this country are in fact clearly on the take.

Kentucky Idiots

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